Write for Us

Hello, are you a health and fitness enthusiast? Do you want to inform a very committed audience about any informative, health-related article that they should read? Why not write for us.

We, at You Must Get Healthy Blog are giving our wonderful readers, health experts,  health bloggers and other health and fitness enthusiasts an opportunity to write for us and express their self.

You can write about any health-related topic, from healthy living to wellness, to weight loss, fitness, cancer, drugs, mental or emotional health… in fact anything that can improve the health of someone.


What you will gain?

1. You will be able to express yourself through writing and also assist in the global work of helping people get healthy.

2.  Our growth has been linear ever since, we have a very committed group of readers, that will eagerly read your write-up. So you can be sure that your message will reach the right people.

3.  You and your write up will become popular. It will distributed all over the Internet and on prominent social media platforms in the most extensive way imaginable.

 4.  We include a short author bio for you, where you can showcase yourself.


What are the requirements?

1. Original and unique content

Any article you are sending to us should be unique and original. It shouldn’t be something copied from the internet. If you are making a health claim or a reference, use a hyperlink to show the source.

2. Word count

The article you should be sending to us should be from 1000 words and above. It should be meaningful and should not contain annexes or unnecessary  repetitions.

3. Tone of writing

We are fun, that’s why our readers love us. Write in a fun and positive manner, try to engage the reader and tell them to get healthy.


How do you send your articles?

Immediately after writing your articles, send it to [email protected].

After which it will be reviewed, checked for plagiarism and then approved. This should take a maximum of 7 days. Please send all articles in a docx format.



Important notices!

Read these important points before sending your article:

• Your article can be will checked for approval within 24 hours after it has been received. If it is not approved, you will be commended for trying and asked to take back the article. If it is approved, you will be highly commended, and a publishing date will be given.

• We have the right to edit the article, but it won’t be much.

• Posts must be non-promotional. Must NOT be written for the sole purpose of advertising a product, website or some paid services. If you intend to write a post for advertising purpose, please visit our sponsorship page.

There is a difference between guest posts and sponsored posts. Guest posts are generally written by other bloggers and sponsored posts are written by, or on behalf of, a company or organization to advertise a free or paid service.

• All links contained within the article will be NO FOLLOW.

• You are allowed to include just two no-follow links. One in your article body and in the bio.

Do not include any link in the article links to a product or service page. You will be charge for that .

• We also accept sponsored posts a cheap price. Check our advertising page to find out more.

• Your author’s bio should be at most three sentences and must include your social media and website links.

NO ARTICLE WILL BE DELETED AFTER IT HAS BEEN PUBLISHED. Read this page carefully before sending your article, We will not be held responsible for your failures to read and understand this guidelines.


We look forward to reading your article and helping you express yourself.

Last updated on  07/01/2019.

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