Mental & Emotional Health - You Must Get Healthy The No. 1 Health And Fitness Blog For You Fri, 05 Jul 2024 14:41:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 7 Heartwarming Health Benefits of Being Generous Fri, 05 Jul 2024 05:46:24 +0000 Generosity can be defined in a variety of ways. One definition is the quality of readiness or liberality in giving, while another is the quality of being kind or generous. Each of these alludes to an innate desire to give, enrich, or better something or someone else. Generosity goes beyond a definition or notion. It […]

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Generosity can be defined in a variety of ways. One definition is the quality of readiness or liberality in giving, while another is the quality of being kind or generous. Each of these alludes to an innate desire to give, enrich, or better something or someone else.

Generosity goes beyond a definition or notion. It is a set of deliberate choices to look further past ourselves, identify a need, and respond to meet it.

It is, at its core, an expression of love for another; no matter how brief, small, or insignificant it appears to be, it is meaningful, and it matters. No kind deed is too small.

It also helps that helping others can significantly positively impact your health, physically and mentally.

7 Benefits of Being Generous

Being generous has many psychological, emotional, and mental benefits. Here are some of the health benefits of being generous.

Health Benefits of Being Generous 

1. Better relationships

Generosity can help with an important aspect of your overall health — your social health. Generous people are more likely to have better relationships and social life, which means great social health.

2. Happier disposition

According to the Bible, there is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving. 

That statement is true in its entirety. Giving makes you happy, and it can be proved medically. Being generous has been linked to the release of oxytocin, a hormone that induces feelings of warmth, euphoria, and deep connection to others.

Furthermore, a 2008 study by Harvard Business School found that giving money to someone else made the study participants happier than spending it on themselves.

Thus, being generous is a great way to make yourself happy and support your emotional health.

3. Decreased blood pressure

One way to improve your cardiovascular health is to assist friends and family.

Participants in a 2006 study published in the International Journal of Psychophysiology who provided social support to people in their network had lower overall blood pressure and arterial pressure than those who did not.

In addition, those in the study who were more likely to give to others reported receiving more social support.

Little gestures like offering homemade dishes make you feel good on the inside, and your friend may be tempted to reciprocate the favor.

4. Stress reduction

Money hoarding looks excellent for your wallet but not so good for your health. A study published in PLOS discovered that stingy behavior increases stress.

Researchers asked 156 volunteers to participate in a bargaining game in which they had to decide how to divide a sum of money.

Using heart rate monitors, they discovered that players who made low offers – less than 40% of the total, had higher heart rates and stress levels than those who made high offers—more reason to consider donating money to those in need.

5. Contentment

It’s natural to feel envious from time to time. Almost anyone has gone through life without wishing for something out of reach, such as a more luxurious car or home.

While it is natural to feel this way occasionally, it is also essential to be content with what you have, which is more likely if you’re generous.

Generous people are prone to living happier lives with their homes, cars, and other possessions. They are also less likely to believe that having more money would make them happier.

Also, generous people barely have difficulty saving money, even though some forms of generosity can involve financial donations.

6. A deeper sense of satisfaction

Everyone wishes to be happy in life, and generosity appears to be an essential component.

A study reports that 74% of respondents with high generosity confessed to being satisfied with their lives, compared to 60% with low generosity. Respondents with high generosity were also more than twice as likely to say they were very satisfied with their lives.

Generous people are happier in every area of life, such as friendships, family, marriages, romance, and finances.

7. Improved self-esteem

How you feel about yourself can impact every aspect of your life, for better or worse, and there is evidence that a generous lifestyle benefits your self-esteem.

In our study in the last point, of the individuals in the high-generosity group, when asked if they were proud of who they were, 74% said yes.

That figure fell to 51% among those with low generosity. Generous people are more likely to say they live moral and upstanding lives.


Being generous can have a significant impact on your quality of life. The above health benefits of being generous should spur you to make generosity a habit. It can make you happier and healthier and improve your interpersonal relationships.

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5 Uplifting Emotional Benefits of Volleyball Fri, 28 Jun 2024 05:05:08 +0000 Volleyball is a popular indoor sport that is played globally. It is a non-contact team sport where two opposing teams have three hits to pass a ball over a dividing net and score points by grounding a ball on the other team’s court. Many people play volleyball professionally and casually. However, do you know that […]

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Volleyball is a popular indoor sport that is played globally. It is a non-contact team sport where two opposing teams have three hits to pass a ball over a dividing net and score points by grounding a ball on the other team’s court.

Many people play volleyball professionally and casually. However, do you know that there are many emotional benefits of playing volleyball. This article discusses the emotional benefits of volleyball.

Volleyball isn’t just a usual game where you get to achieve physical benefits or where you get to achieve your dream of playing with the best team and possibly being among the best players in your city.

Beyond that, volleyball provides many emotional benefits to its players regardless of their age. While playing, socializing, and training with fellow players, something wonderful is happening to your emotional health and state.

5 Emotional Benefits of Volleyball

There a number of mental health benefits associated with playing team sports like volleyball. Here are some of them.

1. Enhances emotional connections

Emotional connection is one of the growth indexes of man’s emotional health. Emotional connection satisfies man’s basic need for love and companionship.

It has been proved that volleyball team members are known to make strong connections that go beyond the locker room and the field.

Your team members become your friends; some transcend into your friends for life, and they tend to help you in other areas of your life. There are many studies that prove that playing team sports can improve social health.

Your interaction with team members gives you the emotional energy needed to start out, play well, and build a drive to succeed. This emotional connection that you built helps you stay active and focus on your game.

2. Builds your interpersonal skills

Volleyball demands you work cooperatively with your team members at a fast pace.

A volleyball game cannot be won without teamwork and collaboration; this is where communication comes into play.

You learn how to communicate with body gestures and words. A study has shown that men involve in sports have better interpersonal skills than those that don’t.

You get to transfer these skills to the workplace. Most volleyball players tend to be better team heads and leaders and even better staff.

They can work as a team in the office, easily connect with the stakeholders, and easily read facial and body language and understand what it means.

3. Improves your mental resilience

The volleyball games improve your ability and motivation to succeed, not just as a sports person but also as an individual. There are basic skills or traits to succeed, such as teamwork, persistence, patience, and faith in oneself.

In the game of volleyball, you learn how to communicate to team players for ideas and strategies to succeed, and you gain an understanding of team progress and team success. 

You learn persistence through setting, serving, and spiking, which is an essential attribute if you want to succeed. You gain patience as volleyball teaches you how to be patient with fellow team members and patiently master specific skills you need to succeed.

In volleyball, you are taught to believe in yourself and see yourself as a success, as this is the only way you get to play well. This trait transcends beyond the field in building your overall self-esteem, which is very important in your career.

4. Fights off depression

Participation in team sports and exercise is associated with reducing depression. Your involvement in the volleyball game reduces stress, improves your mood, and makes you derive pleasure from your accomplishments as a team member.

These make you happy and build your self-confidence. Also, the game of volleyball helps build a social network that fights off boredom and can fight depression.

According to one study, athletes who play team sports like volleyball are less likely to suffer anxiety or depression compared to individual sport athletes.

5. Relieves stress

Stress can adversely affect your emotional health. When stress becomes overwhelming and prolonged, it can lead to irritability or aggression, insomnia, fatigue, exhaustion, sadness, and loss of concentration.

Nonetheless, playing volleyball is a great way to relieve stress and boost your emotional health.

Playing volleyball boosts your mood, reduces stress and can help you relax. One medical study stated that engaging in team sports like volleyball can alleviate anxiety, depression, stress, and boost sleep quality in college students.


Volleyball is a one of the most well-known indoor team sports that can play for fun. There are many emotional benefits of playing volleyball such as reducing stress, building connections, and fighting depression.

You can start out by joining a local volleyball team in your neighborhood. You mustn’t play it for the trophy; you can make it a weekend activity or hobby.

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10 Heartwarming Mental Health Tips for Dads Mon, 10 Jun 2024 00:15:40 +0000 Therapists and mental health professionals like to say, “You must first put on your oxygen mask.” To put it differently, you must look after yourself to properly care for your family. That’s a piece of advice offered to everyone, but it’s especially important for fathers. Fathers go to great lengths to ensure that things go […]

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Therapists and mental health professionals like to say, “You must first put on your oxygen mask.” To put it differently, you must look after yourself to properly care for your family. That’s a piece of advice offered to everyone, but it’s especially important for fathers.

Fathers go to great lengths to ensure that things go smoothly. However, keeping the engines running can be physically and mentally demanding. 

Most dads get zero credit for the remarkable job they do, and some times it can take a toll on their mental health. Seeing that it’s almost Father’s day, it’s appropriate to have this article published.

So to help you stay mentally fit as a dad, we’ve decided to share 10 mental health tips for dads in this article.

1. Get enough sleep

Sleep is needed for a healthy mind and body. When you’re not getting enough sleep, you may feel tired, irritable, or even depressed. Lack of sleep can also raise stress levels which can lead to anxiety attacks. 

If you don’t get enough rest, you’ll find it hard to cope with everyday life. You might even start to lose interest in activities you used to enjoy.

Getting more sleep will improve your mood and give you more energy throughout the day.

2. Exercise regularly

Regular exercise helps reduce stress and improves self-esteem. It also increases blood flow, relieves tension, and boosts immunity. At least two and a half hours of moderate aerobic activity weekly is required. 

This includes 30 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity every other day. For example, brisk walking counts as moderate physical activity, while jogging or swimming is considered vigorous. You can find out about some more fitness tips for dads.

3. Eat well

A balanced diet full of seasonal whole grains, fruits, and vegetables is important for overall health. Eating right means eating foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. 

These nutrients provide energy and keep your immune system strong. They also protect against heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Try to eat five servings of fruit and three servings of veggies each day.

4. Avoid smoking

Smoking is unhealthy for your lungs, heart, and brain. It causes cancer, impairs lung function, and weakens bones. Quitting smoking is one of the best ways to boost your mental health.

5. Manage your anger

Anger is a strong emotion that manifests in all of us from time to time. However, when anger becomes chronic, it can cause serious problems. 

Anger management techniques include:

  • Recognizing what triggers your anger
  • Learning how to control your temper
  • Developing healthy coping strategies to deal with stressful situations.

Mental Health Tips for Dads

6. Be positive

Positive thinking has been proven to have many benefits. Being optimistic about the future could help you live longer, happier lives. 

Studies show people who think positively tend to experience fewer illnesses than those who focus on negative thoughts. Also, they tend to recover faster from illness. Positive thinkers are less likely to suffer from depression and anxiety.

7. Relax and breath

Relaxation exercises such as tai chi, meditation, and yoga can help relieve stress.

Stressful events and difficult emotions can leave you feeling anxious. By taking some time out to relax, you’ll be able to handle these feelings better.

8. Take breaks

Stress often leads to burnout. Burnout happens when you become overwhelmed by work and responsibilities.

Taking regular breaks can prevent burnout and allow you to recharge. Make sure to take breaks during the day to avoid becoming overworked.

Also, in addition to taking breaks, you should buy gifts for yourself, take yourself out, and practice self-care.

9. Spend time with your kids

There are so many emotional benefits that comes from spending quality time with your children.

The more time you spend with your kids, the better at fathering you will be. Your self-esteem will improve, the bond between your kids will grow stronger, and engaging in activities with them will boost your mood.

10. Communicate with your partner 

Another useful mental health tip for dads is to maintain and regularly communicate with their partner. Dads should be comfortable with their partners and discuss issues with them.

Connect, talk, listen, ask questions and find out what each other really needs. It will put you at ease as a handle your role as a dad.


Although being a dad can be challenging, it also has its perks, which provide real satisfaction and meaning to your life. However, adhering to these mental health tips for dads can ensure that you do your duty optimally and give your best as a father.

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7 Uplifting Emotional Benefits of Cooking Fri, 07 Jun 2024 05:14:44 +0000 Are there emotional benefits you derive from cooking? Most people feel that cooking is just a necessary physical activity that must be done at home to ensure that the family always has food to eat. But is cooking all about that? When asked about the emotional benefits of cooking, one participant in a study states […]

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Are there emotional benefits you derive from cooking? Most people feel that cooking is just a necessary physical activity that must be done at home to ensure that the family always has food to eat. But is cooking all about that?

When asked about the emotional benefits of cooking, one participant in a study states that cooking eliminates harmful psychological effects caused by constantly being fixed on television and mobile phones. This is just one of the many emotional benefits you can derive from cooking.

In this article, we will look at the emotional benefits of cooking and how you can actualize them.

5 Emotional Benefits of Cooking

Below are five significant emotional benefits of cooking that you will love to experience.

1. Improves emotional well-being

One of the significant health benefits of cooking is that it improves your emotional well-being. Cooking allows you to explore your creative ability, making you feel like you are flourishing—a psychological term for personal growth.

The Wall Street Journal reports therapists now recommend cooking classes for patients with depression and anxiety, including eating disorders, ADHD, and addiction.

Some counselors who spoke to the WSJ stated that cooking helps relieve stress, curb negative thinking and build self-esteem by focusing on a recipe.

2. Cooking is therapeutic

Another significant emotional benefit of cooking is that it is believed by psychologists to be therapeutic. Cooking is said to fit into a type of therapy called “behavioral activation.”

The Wall Street Journal reported that behavioral activation helps to alleviate depression by increasing goal-oriented behavior. And cooking helps you to focus, giving you a sense of control and power you might not have outside the kitchen.

3. Cooking connects you to others

Cooking for yourself is fantastic, but cooking with and for others helps you to connect with them on common ground. Cooking for others connects you to your family and community and makes you feel valuable because you provide a service.

A study review published in the journal Public Health Nutrition stated many pieces of evidence that suggest that community cooking programs enhance socialization and connectedness and remove feelings of isolation.

A more recent study published in March 2022 showed the impacts of a seven-week cooking program run by adult participants.

At the end of the study, the participants exhibited increased cooking confidence, and improved general and mental health, even though there was a significant change in their nutrient intake.

Emotional Benefits of Cooking

4. Cooking serves as meditation

When cooking, your mind follows the recipe and ensures everything goes well. Preparing, meal planning, measuring, stirring, adjusting, and monitoring the recipe take your mind off things; this serves as a meditative process but with a tastier output.

According to The Guardian, cooking is essential for self-care— mindful, creative, and calming, and prevents your mind from dwelling on things and producing cookies or pot roasts at the end of the process.

5. Increased happiness

Another fascinating emotional benefit of cooking is that it can increase your happiness.

Cooking can be a creative outlet that provides a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. When you successfully prepare a dish, it can boost your self-esteem and make you feel proud of yourself.

6. Empowers you

Gaining the ability to prepare your own meals fosters a sense of empowerment and independence.

When individuals learn to cook, they acquire a valuable life skill that enables them to take control of their nutrition and dietary preferences.

This self-sufficiency can boost confidence and provide a sense of autonomy, as one is no longer reliant on others for meal preparation.

In addition, being able to cook allows for more personalized and healthier food choices, further enhancing one’s sense of control over their well-being.

7. Evokes nostalgia

Preparing family recipes or traditional dishes can evoke positive memories and a sense of connection to one’s heritage and loved ones.

Cooking familiar dishes can transport individuals back to cherished moments with family and friends, reinforcing emotional bonds and cultural identity.

This nostalgic experience can provide comfort and a feeling of continuity, especially during times of change or stress.

Ways You Can Actualize The Emotional Benefits of Cooking

Here are the three significant ways to actualize the emotional benefits of cooking.

  •  Start Simple 

If you have never cooked before and want to start, start with something simple. Coking something simple that turns out to be edible can boost your self-esteem and self-worth. It can be noodles, pancakes, or cookies – anything simple.

  •  Cook Mindfully

Cooking mindfully is highly meditative and makes the whole process therapeutic. Cooking mindfully means fixing your mind on cooking so everything will be perfect and seamless.  

  • Make It Social

One of the significant ways to reap social connectedness is to invite people around when cooking. You can either cook with people or for people. It can be family, friends, or a community program. Also, cooking alone boost your self-confidence.


The emotional benefits of cooking are immense and can significantly influence your psychological and physical well-being. So if you rent cooking, get a recipe book and start now. Remember to start with something simple!

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10 Beneficial Mental Health Tips for Dancers Wed, 05 Jun 2024 05:56:32 +0000 Although dancing is a great activity and job that boosts physical and mental wellbeing, it is also one of the most demanding jobs (if you are a professional dancer), which can cause a strain on the mental health of professional dancers. A study has linked professional dancing to increasing risks of mental health issues like anxiety, eating […]

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The post 10 Beneficial Mental Health Tips for Dancers appeared first on You Must Get Healthy.

Although dancing is a great activity and job that boosts physical and mental wellbeing, it is also one of the most demanding jobs (if you are a professional dancer), which can cause a strain on the mental health of professional dancers.

A study has linked professional dancing to increasing risks of mental health issues like anxiety, eating disorders, and compulsive-obsessive disordersThe idea of perfectionism in professional dancing has crippled the mental health of many.

Most dancers have to resort to harmful drugs to increase their quest for perfectionism. In the end, they become addicts. According to a survey, 75% of dancers had reported having dealt with mental health challenges within five years (at the time when this survey was taken).

As a dancer, your mental health is a priority; when it gets disrupted, it affects your overall functioning. When you are tensed, you tend to remember or perform your dance routine correctly.

You must know what mental health tips to employ to boost your overall performance as a dancer. This article discusses some crucial mental health tips for dancers.

10 Mental Health Tips for Dancers

Mental Health Tips for Dancers

Below are some important mental health tips for dancers.

1. Learn to have enough sleep

It is said that a person spends thirty-six percent of their life sleeping, and how does this affect a dancer? Sleep refreshes your body, improves your alertness and concentration, provides memory consolidation, and restores your strength.

Most importantly, enough sleep helps with weight loss, and weight gain isn’t pleasant for dancers.

Most dancers tend to resort to weight loss pills to lose weight when they add up, especially ballet dancers. This can cause anxiety and depression in them.

It is recommended that every dancer have at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep per day.

2. Maintain a positive body image

Maintaining a positive body image is an effective mental health tip to boost the emotional health of a dancer.

Dancers are athletes that need strength and muscle to perform; without stable emotional health, they will lack the strength and zeal to perform.

Also, maintaining a positive body image makes a dancer more confident about their body, significantly increasing body flexibility and strength. You can also engage in other exercise, apart from dancing, to help you achieve this.

3. Eat healthy meals

Healthy meals aren’t just a bodily and physical health requirement; they also influence the dancer’s mental health.

Good food plays a huge role in promoting overall welling. As a dancer, stick to food rich in fibre, protein, and little carbohydrates for strength.

Avoid skipping food and avoid eating too much processed food. Too much-processed food tends to cause eating disorders which can affect you mentally. Meal planning can help you stick to a healthy diet.

5. Treat all forms of injuries with urgency

As a dancer, never ignore any injury to your body; you can’t dance through it. There is nothing like “dancing through the injury/problem.”

Apart from causing pain in your body that can affect your body flexibility, it causes you to be distressed and sad, which is bad for your concentration.

There is nothing wrong with notifying your dance coach or instructor about the injury and taking time to heal and rest. A wounded dancer isn’t a happy dancer, and a happy dancer won’t be able to perform because dancing is one athletic activity that makes you emotionally connect to the act.

Your mind needs to be relaxed for you to perform those moves and give those awesome facial expressions.

6. Dance for fun

Take time to dance just for the sheer joy of it, without worrying about perfecting every move or preparing for a performance.

This helps you reconnect with the original love and passion you have for dance, making it a source of happiness rather than stress.

Doing this can reduce burnout and remind you why you started dancing in the first place. It allows you to enjoy the moment, which can significantly boost your mood and overall mental well-being.

7. Have support system around you

Build a network of friends, family, and fellow dancers who understand the challenges and pressures of being a dancer. These people can offer emotional support, advice, and encouragement when you need it.

Having a strong support system can help you feel understood and less isolated. It provides a safe space to share your struggles and successes, which is crucial for maintaining good mental health.

8. Positive self-talk

Make a habit of speaking kindly to yourself. When negative thoughts arise, counter them with positive affirmations like, “I am improving every day,” or “I am proud of my progress.”

Positive self-talk can enhance your self-esteem and resilience. It helps you stay motivated and focused, reducing the impact of self-doubt and anxiety.

9. Journaling

Write down your thoughts, feelings, and experiences related to your dance journey. This can include your daily practices, achievements, and even your frustrations.

Journaling allows you to process your emotions and reflect on your progress. It can be a therapeutic way to express yourself and track your growth, helping you to stay grounded and aware of your mental and emotional state.

10. Talk to a therapist

Due to the competitive nature of dancing, most professional dancers tend to be very anxious and worried at the beginning of a competition, which can affect their state of mind.

If you think you are overwhelmed in your mind, do consult a therapist or a coach and talk to them. Don’t lock in down inside. It is when you talk that you get to be helped.


As a dancer, your mental health is a priority, and treat it as such. Stay away from negativity and never allow depressing thoughts of not how perfect you are to get into your help.

Always embrace the journey; you don’t have to be perfect at all times. When you make a mistake, accept it and improve on it without beating yourself off.

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8 Relaxing Emotional Benefits of Music Fri, 17 May 2024 10:33:16 +0000 Over the years, music has been known to be a potent tool for reducing anxiety, boosting happiness, increasing mindfulness, and lightening the soul. Beyond that, music has proven to possess healing powers that make surgery patients recover faster than normal patients and offer therapeutic aid to mental health patients. Even sad music has been proven […]

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Over the years, music has been known to be a potent tool for reducing anxiety, boosting happiness, increasing mindfulness, and lightening the soul.

Beyond that, music has proven to possess healing powers that make surgery patients recover faster than normal patients and offer therapeutic aid to mental health patients. Even sad music has been proven to offer its listeners comfort and pleasure.

So, in essence, you can say that music is an integral part of human existence.  

In this article, we will look at the emotional benefits of music.

6 Emotional Benefits of Music

Emotional Benefits of Music

1. Therapeutic aid to the mind and soul

The American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) have proven that music is highly therapeutic; as such, music has been infused into therapy program to achieve goals such as enhancing memory, managing stress, and relieving pain.

Also, in 2013, a study was conducted in the Journal of Positive Psychology, and it reported that individuals who consistently listen to upbeat music could boost their happiness and moods within two weeks.

Music helps to alleviate both emotional and physical pains emanating from health conditions such as stroke, Parkinson’s disease, dementia, multiple sclerosis, and various neurological conditions.

2. Regulates the emotions

Researchers have found that music helps regulate emotions which is capable of changing emotions that help to enhance mood and mindfulness in individuals.

When you are stressed emotionally, listening to music is one of the best ways to unwind and feel okay.

3. Lowers anxiety

A lot of research has proven that listening to music helps reduce the rate of anxiety and make you more relaxed in your thinking and approach.

A study has shown that listening to music helps people in rehab to be relaxed after suffering a stroke or seizure.

Also, a similar study showed that when music is blended with nature sounds, it helps to reduce anxiety in individuals; this also goes for individuals that are facing critical health issues.

Also, a study indicated that while listening to music, the body releases a stress hormone called cortisol which makes the body more relaxed and less anxious. 

4. Helps to relieve the symptoms of depression

Research conducted in 2017 has proven that listening to music, especially classical music combined with jazz, helps in alleviating the symptoms of depression.

Many therapists have recommended this for patients struggling with depression.  

5. Improves memory

Music has been shown to positively influence and enhance memory. The Mayo Clinic indicated that music does not reverse memory loss caused by Alzheimer’s disease.

However, it helps in slowing down the cognitive decline rate in these individuals. Also, individuals suffering from mild or moderate dementia are able to recall some aspects of their lives when exposed to music.

Also, in one study, the researcher allocated tasks to some selected individuals; the task involved reading and recalling short lists of words.

The set of individuals that were listening to classical music performed better than the rest of the individuals that were listening to white noise or reading in silence.

This explains better why some people read with their headphones on. Some people practically can’t read without music, and some claim that reading without music makes reading boring.

6. Aids in treating mental illness

Neurological researchers have concluded that music helps to trigger the release of several neurochemicals that are functional in playing a role in the brain.

Some of the released neurochemicals that help treat mental illness include dopamine, a chemical linked to the reward and pleasure center, and and serotonin hormone, linked to immunity. Cortisol, a stress hormone, and oxytocin which facilities the ability to connect to others.

Also, people suffering from schizophrenia tend to have better social connectedness and quality of life when placed on music therapy.

7. Personal reflection 

Music helps us look inside ourselves and understand our feelings. It’s like a friend that shows us who we really are.

It lets us think about our past and heal from old hurts. Music feels like someone who gets us and has been there too.

Thinking about our life with music can help us know ourselves better. It can also help us make good choices for what comes next.

Music is used in therapy to bring hidden feelings out into the open. This can help people grow and feel better inside.

8. Increased motivation 

Upbeat and fast-paced music has a special way of energizing us and making us want to move or work harder.

The lively beats and rhythms can act as a kind of signal to our bodies, encouraging us to pick up the pace, whether we’re exercising or just trying to get through a tough job.

This effect is partly because such music can make us feel more alert and alive, and partly because it can distract us from feelings of tiredness or the difficulty of the task at hand.

As a result, we often end up pushing ourselves further than we might have without music, which can lead to better performance and a greater sense of accomplishment.


The importance of music to our emotional health cannot be overemphasized. Anytime you are feeling down, rejected, or broken, kindly get your ear pods and earphones on and play that soft music to soothe your soul.  These above emotional benefits of music prove just that.

Generally, music improves the quality of our lives, including the physical and social aspects.


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5 Emotional Benefits of Breastfeeding Fri, 03 May 2024 00:05:47 +0000 Breastfeeding is the best way for babies to receive nourishment, but it can also provide an emotional connection between mother and child. Breastfeeding moms may feel more confident in themselves, less guilty about their lifestyle choices, or even happier with their bodies after giving birth. Breastfeeding may seem difficult at first because of sore nipples […]

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The post 5 Emotional Benefits of Breastfeeding appeared first on You Must Get Healthy.

Breastfeeding is the best way for babies to receive nourishment, but it can also provide an emotional connection between mother and child.

Breastfeeding moms may feel more confident in themselves, less guilty about their lifestyle choices, or even happier with their bodies after giving birth.

Breastfeeding may seem difficult at first because of sore nipples or lack of sleep, but these are all worth it in the end if you want your child to know how much you love them through breastfeeding alone! You learn how to manage breast engorgement when weaning.

Many times during the day, a nursing mother may slow down and offer her kid her full attention. She will look him in the eyes, she’ll speak with him, she’ll make contact with him, and he’ll make contact with her.

They have a one-of-a-kind connection. Breastfeeding facilitates this connection, which offers physical, emotional, and psychological comfort to the infant. It also helps him improve his cognitive abilities.

Breastfeeding strengthens the bond between a mother and her kid.

Baby is catered for, but he also enables the mother to gain significant advantages, such as improved confidence in her capacity to make autonomous child-care choices and handle the responsibilities of parenthood while still enjoying it.

5 Emotional Benefits of Breastfeeding

It’s not only about the health advantages of breastfeeding. It also offers emotional benefits that you may not be aware of. Here are the emotional benefits of breastfeeding.

Emotional Benefits of Breastfeeding

1. Improves Mood

The hormones in breast milk can help regulate your mood. Breastfeeding boosts the production of oxytocin, which is associated with feelings of love and comfort.

There are some vital health and fitness tips for breastfeeding mothers to help them stay healthy, while taking care of their newborns.

2. Reduces Stress

Breastfeeding reduces stress by providing a coping mechanism during challenging moments, such as feeling overwhelmed or frustrated.

Breastfeeding produces the naturally calming hormones oxytocin and prolactin, which aid in the relaxation and well-being of the nursing mother.

3. Helps Mother and Baby Bonding

The hormones released during breastfeeding help promote mother-baby bonding. Thus, breastfeeding can help strengthen your bond with your baby by giving you a chance to connect while nursing.

You’ll be more in tune with their needs because breastfeeding lets you know when they’re hungry, need comfort, or want to play.

4. Combats Anxiety

Anxiety is common among many new mothers, but breastfeeding can be a great way to combat anxiety.

In one study, breastfeeding mothers report reductions in anxiety, when compared to formula-feeding mothers.

5. Better Sleep

One of most notable emotional benefits of breastfeeding is that it helps you sleep better.

Mothers who breastfeed will find it easier to fall asleep, stay asleep longer, and sleep more deeply. Better sleep translates to to improved emotional and overall health.

Emotional Benefits of breastfeeding for the baby

Numerous research have suggested that breastfeeding also has posiy effects on the psychological, and mental health of children. Some of the emotional benefits of breastfeeding for the baby include;

  • Better critical thinking and reasoning skills
  • Better memory
  • Stronger immune systems
  • Better learning ability
  • Enhanced motor and cognitive skills.


Breastfeeding is one of the most natural things you can do for your baby. It’s also proven to be one of the smartest decisions a new mom or dad can make.  Apart from the emotional benefits, breastfeeding provides significant nutritional, cognitive, emotional, and immunologic benefits for the infants and their mothers.

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10 Wonderful Emotional Benefits of Cycling Fri, 19 Apr 2024 05:07:23 +0000 Cycling is a great way to get around, and it can be a lot of fun too. If you live in a city where cycling is convenient, you already know that cycling can be a great way to stay fit, reduce your carbon footprint and get around town. Cycling is a low-impact sport that can […]

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The post 10 Wonderful Emotional Benefits of Cycling appeared first on You Must Get Healthy.

Cycling is a great way to get around, and it can be a lot of fun too. If you live in a city where cycling is convenient, you already know that cycling can be a great way to stay fit, reduce your carbon footprint and get around town.

Cycling is a low-impact sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages, shapes, and sizes. It’s a great way to exercise while enjoying the scenery, whether cycling in the country or the city.

You may not realize it, but cycling is more than just a physical activity — it’s also a mental one. Cycling can help you clear your head and gain clarity on what’s bothering you. It’s also an excellent way to get in touch with your emotions and express yourself through music or art.

But there are also some emotional benefits of cycling. Cycling is a great way to get some fresh air, feel the wind in your hair, and enjoy nature.

Here are some of the ways cycling can benefit your mental and emotional health:

7 Emotional Benefits of Cycling

Emotional Benefits of Cycling

Here are the wonderful emotional benefits of cycling:

1. Reduces stress and anxiety

One of the significant emotional benefits of cycling is that it helps to reduce stress and anxiety. If you’re feeling stressed out or anxious after a long day at work, getting on your bike can help relieve those feelings.

It gives you time to breathe, relax and reflect on your feelings without judgment from others who may not understand what’s going on in your mind or heart. Sometimes we just need space from other people to figure things out for ourselves.

2. Promotes better sleep

It helps you sleep better at night. Studies have shown that regular exercise helps improve sleep quality and reduce stress hormones that disrupt sleep patterns (such as cortisol).

So if you’re having trouble sleeping because of stressful thoughts going through your mind at night, getting on your bike before bedtime might help calm down those thoughts; they don’t keep you awake all night long!

3. Helps in managing stress

Cycling can be an effective way to manage stress. Stress is often caused by the inability to cope with problems, events, or emotions and can lead to health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and depression.

A study published in the Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology found that after riding for 30 minutes at 70 percent of maximum heart rate, cyclists experienced significant reductions in anxiety, anger, confusion, and fatigue.

4. Helps to improve your mood

Cycling can also help improve your mood by increasing endorphins (the “feel-good” hormones). Endorphins are released during physical activity and help reduce pain signals from reaching the central nervous system.

These hormones also act as neurotransmitters in the brain, helping produce positive emotions and fight depression – an essential emotional benefit of cycling.

5. It can be relaxing

Cycling can be extremely relaxing because it requires little physical effort. This means that you don’t have to work hard at all to ride your bike and enjoy the benefits it offers you.

Cycling is also an activity that doesn’t cost much, making it an excellent hobby for those who want to save money for other things or don’t have much extra cash lying around.

6. Helps to improve overall mental health

Apart from being a good exercise; one of the emotional benefits of cycling is it can help lower stress levels and improve overall mental health by providing an outlet for pent-up emotions like anger or frustration while also increasing self-esteem due to positive feedback from others who see how well one rides their bike

7. Makes you happy

Cycling relieves stress and makes us happier by releasing endorphins in our bodies — those feel-good chemicals that make us feel good. Endorphins act as natural painkillers and reduce anxiety, which can help with depression or other mental health issues like anxiety or panic attacks.

8. Enhanced cognitive function

When you cycle, you’re not just giving your legs a workout; you’re also giving your brain a boost.

The increased blood flow and oxygen to the brain during exercise can improve memory, reasoning, and planning.

It’s like a mini spa day for your brain cells, helping to keep your mind sharp and alert. Plus, tackling different routes and terrains can be a great mental challenge, which keeps your cognitive gears turning.

9. Sense of freedom

There’s something truly liberating about hopping on a bike and just pedaling away.

It could be the wind in your hair, the speed, or the ability to explore new places on your own terms, but cycling opens up a world of freedom.

This feeling can be especially uplifting if you spend most of your day cooped up indoors.

It’s a chance to break away from the daily grind and enjoy a moment of autonomy and adventure.

10. Social connection

Joining a cycling group or just riding with friends can turn a solitary activity into a social one. It boost social connections which is good for your emotional health.

Sharing the experience with others not only makes it more enjoyable but also creates a sense of community.

Cycling together can lead to lasting friendships and a support network that’s both motivating and reassuring.

It’s a wonderful way to bond with others, share tips, and encourage each other to push through challenging rides.

In addition, laughter and camaraderie along the way are always good for the soul!


In a nutshell, cycling helps you to have a healthy emotional life. Some of the emotional benefits of cycling include relaxing you, improving your mood, managing stress, and promoting quality sleep. You don’t have to send money to register in a gym or organization to do this. Just get a bike, and you are good to go. 

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7 Important Mental Health Tips for First Responders Fri, 12 Apr 2024 05:29:54 +0000 First responders are people who responds first at the scene of any emergency, such as an accident, natural disaster, or violent attack. They are the first to arrive and provide help to victims of medical emergencies. Occupations that can be classified as first responders include law enforcement officers, paramedics, Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs), and firefighters. […]

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The post 7 Important Mental Health Tips for First Responders appeared first on You Must Get Healthy.

First responders are people who responds first at the scene of any emergency, such as an accident, natural disaster, or violent attack.

They are the first to arrive and provide help to victims of medical emergencies. Occupations that can be classified as first responders include law enforcement officers, paramedics, Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs), and firefighters.

These first responders face a lot of life-threatening situations in their line of duty, as well as having to see so many painful moments.

This article discusses some important mental health tips for first responders.

Definitely, almost every human know how to improve their physical health, but keeping the mental health vibrant is more vital, more particularly for first responders.

One study reported that 85% of first responders often experience mental health problems. Depression and PTSD are said to be up to 5 times more common in first responders.

Mental health issues raise the likelihood of acquiring cancerous and cardiovascular diseases, as well as early death.

This is no longer a secret. First responders must maintain their composure at all times. 

As a first responder who is minded of his/her mental health, you can use these easy yet powerful methods to boost your mental well-being.

1. Have a decent amount of sleep

Sleep disruption has a direct impact not only on physical health but also on mental health.

First responders, like everyone else, are more likely to have a mental health problem if they don’t get enough sleep.

It’s important to note that melatonin is key for weight loss and youthful maintenance. Your sleep routine has to be adjusted.

To begin, sleep should last for 7-8 hours. Second, you should discipline yourself sleep and wake up at the same time each day.

2. Establish solid work-life boundaries

First responders face a unique challenge in that their work often follows them home.

It’s crucial for their mental health to establish clear boundaries between their professional and personal lives.

Doing so can prevent burnout and ensure they remain effective and compassionate in their roles.

3. Regular exercise

The stress of being a first responder can be overwhelming. Regular exercise can act as a stress reliever, helping to clear the mind and reduce the risk of anxiety and depression.

It’s a simple yet effective way to maintain physical and mental health.

Mental Health Tips for First Responders

4. Prioritize mindfulness and meditation

With the high-pressure environment first responders operate in, finding calm can be a challenge.

Mindfulness and meditation can offer a mental break, allowing them to reset and refocus, which is essential for maintaining mental clarity in the face of constant stress.

5. Manage the workloads

The nature of your job as a first responder work can lead to long hours and heavy workloads.

It’s important to manage these workloads effectively and take regular breaks to prevent stress from building up to unmanageable levels.

6. Build resilience

Resilience is key for first responders, who often face difficult and traumatic situations.

The simple truth is that building resilience can help you to better cope with and recover from the stressors of your job, which is essential for their long-term mental health and career sustainability.

7. Seek professional support

For first responders, the exposure to traumatic events is not an occasional occupational hazard but a routine part of the job.

They are the front line in crises, witnessing human suffering and life-threatening situations that can leave indelible marks on their psychological well-being.

Professional support, in the form of therapy or counseling, provides a confidential and safe space for first responders to process these experiences.

In a profession where mental toughness is often prized, acknowledging the need for help is a sign of strength.

Final Thoughts

As much as you are giving your whole time, energy and expertise for the service of other people, you have to take care of yourself first, especially your mental health. You have to guide it at all time. Hopefully, the tips in this article will help you to keep your sanity intact.

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7 Profound Emotional Benefits Of Reading Fri, 05 Apr 2024 05:04:33 +0000 Reading is often seen as a solitary activity, one that can be perceived as dull or uninteresting. Many people may be sceptical about the idea that reading can have emotional benefits. However, recent research has shown that reading can be an effective tool for improving mental health and overall wellbeing Of course we know that […]

The post 7 Profound Emotional Benefits Of Reading first appeared on You Must Get Healthy.

The post 7 Profound Emotional Benefits Of Reading appeared first on You Must Get Healthy.

Reading is often seen as a solitary activity, one that can be perceived as dull or uninteresting. Many people may be sceptical about the idea that reading can have emotional benefits.

However, recent research has shown that reading can be an effective tool for improving mental health and overall wellbeing

Of course we know that reading can be  fun, and most people take it as a hobby. Also, generally, reading is cognitively important as it adds to your knowledge and understanding. It makes you more conscious of your environment and improves your communication.

Nevertheless, reading does not only benefit cognitive health; social and emotional health are inclusive.

In this article, we will discuss the emotional benefits of reading.

7 Emotional Benefits Of Reading

Here are the seven emotional benefits of reading you get to enjoy as a vivid reader.

1. Makes you more understanding

One of the attributes of sound emotional health is when the individual understands. Reading borders your perspective on life, making you more tolerant and understanding of others, especially those from different tribes, races, or cultures.

Some researchers at The New School in New York City have shown evidence that literary fiction “enhances a reader’s capacity to understand what others are thinking and feeling.” 

Another study proved the connection between reading fiction and scoring high in social and empathy acumen tests.

2. Reduces stress

Reading helps to reduce the stress that can mess up your emotional health. A 2009 study at the University of Sussex found that reading can reduce stress by up to 68%.”

In 2009, some researchers measured the effects of humor, yoga, and reading on the stress level of students in health science programs in the United States. The study showed that 30 minutes of reading lowered the feeling of psychological distress as humor and yoga did.

You can lighten up your mood by reading comic humor, which helps in reducing stress.

3. Provides a healthy way to escape

One of the ways to escape from reality or take your mind off this world is by reading. Reading allows you to invent a reality yourself, giving you an event in which you are involved. It induces you into the character more than what a TV show or movie can do.

4. Makes you more empathetic 

According to Research, reading literary fiction stories helps you to explore the inner lives of characters – this heightened your ability to understand the belief and feelings of others.

Empathic is a sign of strong emotional health. As a vivid literary fiction reader, you develop a good theory of mind. This helps you to adapt and connect to people from different cultures and situations, making you a better person.

5. Promotes better night rest

Mayo Clinic doctor recommends reading as an effective sleep routine. To achieve a good night’s sleep, you are advised to read a print book rather than a digital book because the light emitting from the device can keep you awake.

Try reading a book before you sleep, and see the wonders of it.

6. Alleviate depression symptoms

People with depression often feel estranged and isolated from the world. Reading fiction helps them to escape temporarily from their world. It immerses them into a new reality that alleviates depression symptoms temporarily.

A depressed person can learn strategies to manage the symptoms through reading fiction self-help books. This is why the United Kingdom’s National Health Service started the Reading Well, a Books on Prescription program, where people with specific conditions get prescribed self-help books by medical experts.


7. Helps you to live longer

A study was conducted on 3,635 adults for 12 years, and it showed that those that read books survived about 2 years longer compared to those who didn’t read books, magazines, or other forms of media.


Ensure you develop the habit of reading today to unlock these immense emotional benefits of the reading stated above. Developing the reading habit can be tiredly at first, but if you preserve it, you shall surely reap the benefits. 

The post 7 Profound Emotional Benefits Of Reading first appeared on You Must Get Healthy.

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