Kids Health - You Must Get Healthy The No. 1 Health And Fitness Blog For You Thu, 11 Jul 2024 15:51:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to Encourage Teenagers to be More Active Wed, 10 Jul 2024 23:40:49 +0000 Regular physical activity provides many health benefits for teenagers. Being active can help teens maintain a healthy weight, strengthen their bones and muscles, improve sleep, reduce stress, and boost self-esteem. Physical activity also gives teenagers an outlet for energy and social interaction with peers. With UK teenagers spending over seven hours per day in front […]

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Regular physical activity provides many health benefits for teenagers. Being active can help teens maintain a healthy weight, strengthen their bones and muscles, improve sleep, reduce stress, and boost self-esteem.

Physical activity also gives teenagers an outlet for energy and social interaction with peers.

With UK teenagers spending over seven hours per day in front of screens, encouraging more activity is vital for their physical and mental wellbeing.  

Make Exercise Fun

The key to getting teens moving is making exercise enjoyable. Team sports allow teenagers you are fostering with Orange Grove Foster Care to socialize and have fun with friends while being active. Sports like football, basketball, hockey, netball and rugby are great options.

You can also look for recreational leagues in your community that welcome teenagers.

If your teen isn’t into competitive sports, suggest going for a bike ride, hiking, swimming, or dancing with friends instead. Getting a dog that needs walking can also motivate your teen to move more. 

Lead By Example

Teenagers are more likely to be active if they see their parents exercising regularly. Go for evening walks together as a family, or sign up for an exercise class you can attend with your teen.

Ask your teen to show you workout routines they enjoy, like yoga, circuits, or dance videos.

Being active together strengthens your bond while setting a great example. Praise your teen when you notice them making an effort to exercise more.

Offer Rewards 

Providing small rewards can give teens an incentive to participate in physical activities.

Offer to pay your teen if they walk the dog a certain number of times per week. After a sports game or dance class, stop for a smoothie or milkshake on the way home.

Let your teen invite a friend over after completing a workout video with you. Teenagers respond well to small treats that reinforce healthy behaviors.

Reduce Screen Time

Excessive screen time is a major barrier to exercise for today’s teens. Institute limits on recreational screen time to help make room for physical activity.

No phones or tablets should be allowed during meals, and the aim should be to have no more than 2 hours per day of non-school-related screen time.

Charge all devices outside the bedroom overnight to avoid late-night social media and gaming habits. Schedule a daily screen-free time when your teen can read, play sports outside, or engage in hobbies.  

How to Encourage Teenagers to be More Active full-shot-mother-hugging-daughter_23-2148478553

Encourage Active Transport

Rather than driving your teen everywhere, suggest walking, cycling, or public transport to places like schools, friends’ houses, and shops.

This builds physical activity into your teen’s daily routine. Offer to pay for an annual bus pass to make public transport affordable.

Provide your teen with a bicycle and safety gear to empower independent, active travel. Let friends know your teen is happy to walk or cycle to social engagements.

Focus on Enjoyment, Variety and Consistency

The most important factors when encouraging teenagers to exercise are enjoyment, variety, and consistency. Help your teen find activities they genuinely enjoy rather than rigidly forcing participation.

Introduce new and fun forms of exercise regularly to keep them engaged. Aim to build physical activity into their daily or weekly schedule, so it becomes a normal habit.

With patience and positivity, you can set your teenager up for a lifetime of healthy physical activity.

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8 Common Dental Procedures for Pediatrics Wed, 29 Nov 2023 10:45:35 +0000 Dental health is just as crucial for your children as the health of the rest of their body. Left untreated, cavities and gum infections can even cause complications with the heart, lungs, and other parts of the body. This is why it’s important to ensure your children see their dentist at least twice per year for a […]

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Dental health is just as crucial for your children as the health of the rest of their body. Left untreated, cavities and gum infections can even cause complications with the heart, lungs, and other parts of the body.

This is why it’s important to ensure your children see their dentist at least twice per year for a cleaning, X-rays, and examination. As children grow, their dental needs will grow with them, and there are several dental procedures that can be preventative and ensure your kids’ teeth stay healthy as they mature. 

1. Dental Cleanings

While these might seem like the easiest or more typical procedure for children, regular dental cleanings and checkups should begin when your child is around 12 months old. By having consistent contact with their dentist, children are more comfortable with the experience, and this helps your dentist determine the early onset of anything that might need to be addressed down the line. Additionally, early dental visits allow the dentist and you to drive home the need for good dental care for your children. Your children need to learn good dental habits, including how to brush and floss their teeth properly. This begins with you educating them on how to do these things and, more importantly, brushing and flossing for them when they’re young to ensure good techniques. 

During pediatric dental cleanings, your dentist will typically examine your children’s mouth, gums, and teeth. They will perform a cleaning and discuss good oral hygiene and practices with your children. Typically, they will take X-rays to ensure your children’s teeth are coming in correctly and to rule out any cavities.

Common Dental Procedures for Pediatrics

2. Dental Sealants

A very common procedure within the field of child dentistry is to have dental sealants applied to their teeth. Typically, these are done to the back teeth and molars. Dental sealants are thin layers of plastic amalgam that are painted onto your children’s teeth. The sealant prevents food, tartar, and plaque from adhering to the molds and crevices in your children’s teeth and helps prevent cavities.

3. Fluoride Rinses and Treatments

Oftentimes, at a children’s dental appointment, your children will swish with a fluoride rinse. Fluoride helps to restore the mineral layers of your children’s teeth and prevents small amounts of decay that can lead to cavities.

4. Cavity Repair

If a small hole forms in the enamel of your children’s teeth, it is what’s known as a cavity. Cavities are one of the most common dental health problems in children. The cavity will continue to expand and cause decay, pain, and even tooth loss if left untreated. In order to repair the cavity and prevent it from worsening, your children’s dentist will need to fill it in:

  1. The dentist will numb up the area so your children don’t feel pain.
  2. The cavity is drilled out, and any decayed tooth material is removed.
  3. The cavity is filled and hardened in order to ensure the cavity doesn’t form again or continue to get bigger.

Luckily, most dentists nowadays are able to offer tooth-colored fillings, so your children don’t have to have silver ones and can maintain a nice, white smile.

5. Dental Extractions 

Sometimes, your child’s dentist will find a tooth that needs removal. When this occurs, they will perform a dental extraction. Dental extractions are typically required when a tooth is injured or will cause too much crowding if and when it comes in. To perform the extraction, your dentist will numb everything for your child’s comfort and then remove the tooth from the root. 

Tooth extractions are more common than you might expect in children because baby teeth have much thinner enamel. A child’s baby teeth will also ultimately be replaced by their adult teeth, so it’s unlikely that a dentist will recommend procedures like a root canal for them.

6. Dental Crowns

When necessary, your children’s dentist may have to remove a portion of your child’s tooth that is significantly damaged and replace it with a crown. A dental crown allows the base and roots of the affected tooth to remain in the mouth while the infected part is removed and replaced with either stainless steel or porcelain. The replacement portion of the tooth is formed and ground down to match your child’s smile and bite seamlessly. A dental crown is a long-term solution to a tooth that has significant decay or has had several cavities that have gone untreated. Like root canals, dental crowns are much more likely to be recommended for adult teeth.

7. Early (Preventative) Orthodontics

Sometimes, your child’s dentist may recommend orthodontics much earlier than you might have been expecting since it used to be something only teenagers had. However, if your dentist notices extreme overcrowding or a lot of teeth that are coming in crooked, early orthodontia may be the solution to fewer orthodontic needs later in your child’s life. Having the mindset that treating your children’s dental needs before they become a problem is one of the reasons it’s essential to choose a great dentist who will take an interest in your child’s needs, health, and future. If your kid is a pre-schooler, then this is one of the best dental health tips for pre-schoolers.

8. Dental Spacers

If your child has lost a tooth prematurely due to injury or otherwise, the lack of having a tooth in that area can cause problems down the line for your child’s smile. When this occurs, your children’s dentist may opt for space maintainers. These space maintainers hold room in that spot so your child’s other teeth don’t come in at the wrong angles or in the wrong places, and also eliminate overcrowding. Space maintainers are removed once your child’s adult tooth comes into that space. 

Overall Dental Health for Your Children

Your children’s oral health is imperative for them to be healthy overall. Poor dental health has been linked to other major health conditions, including diabetes and heart disease, among others. Plus, good oral health means your children will love their healthy and beautiful smiles and won’t experience anxiety about sharing their smiles with the world.

By choosing an excellent pediatric dentist and taking your children to regular visits, you are setting the stage for your children to have healthy teeth and mouths for the rest of their lives. Plus, practice good oral hygiene at home and make sure to monitor their brushing and flossing habits till they’re old enough to take the reigns themselves – they’ll thank you when they’re older!


Aaron Smith is an LA-based content strategist and consultant in support of STEM firms and medical practices. He covers industry developments and helps companies connect with clients. In his free time, Aaron enjoys swimming, swing dancing, and sci-fi novels. He also writes on child dentistry.

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Healthy Recipes You Can Cook with Your Kids Tue, 27 Jun 2023 08:23:07 +0000 Involving children in the kitchen and teaching them about healthy eating habits are invaluable experiences that can shape their lifelong relationship with food. Cooking together as a family strengthens bonds and presents numerous benefits in fostering a love for nutritious food. Parents can instill healthy habits, enhance their children’s cooking skills, and promote a well-rounded […]

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The post Healthy Recipes You Can Cook with Your Kids appeared first on You Must Get Healthy.

Involving children in the kitchen and teaching them about healthy eating habits are invaluable experiences that can shape their lifelong relationship with food.

Cooking together as a family strengthens bonds and presents numerous benefits in fostering a love for nutritious food.

Parents can instill healthy habits, enhance their children’s cooking skills, and promote a well-rounded understanding of nutrition by engaging kids in the culinary process.

This article aims to provide a collection of healthy recipes that you can cook with your kids, creating enjoyable moments while nourishing their bodies and minds.


Starting the day with a nutritious breakfast sets the tone for a healthy and energized day. What better way to make breakfast exciting than by involving your children in the culinary process? Here are some breakfast ideas you can try with your children: 

  • Fruit Parfait: Layer Greek yogurt, mixed berries, and granola in a glass or bowl. Let your kids choose their favorite fruits and toppings to personalize their parfaits. This recipe is packed with protein, vitamins, and fiber, making it a nutritious and delicious way to start the day.
  • Veggie Omelet: Help your kids beat eggs in a bowl and add a pinch of salt and pepper. Let them choose their favorite vegetables, such as bell peppers, mushrooms, and spinach, and chop them into small pieces. Cook until the omelet is firm and golden brown. This protein-rich breakfast option is a fantastic way to incorporate veggies into your child’s diet. 
  • Whole Wheat Pancakes: Gather your loved ones for a delightful morning of family day baking fun with wholesome whole wheat pancakes. Mix whole wheat flour, baking powder, a pinch of salt, milk, and a beaten egg to create a thick and luscious pancake batter. Encourage your kids to unleash their creativity by adding their favorite mix-ins. Once the batter is ready, heat up a skillet or non-stick pan, and watch as the kitchen fills with the inviting aroma of freshly cooked pancakes. Pour the batter onto the heated surface, forming perfectly round circles. Let your kids experience the thrill of flipping the pancakes and cooking them to golden perfection on the other side. 


Regarding mealtime, lunch holds a special significance for both kids and adults. It’s a time to refuel, recharge, and enjoy a break from the day’s activities. Making lunchtime a fun and interactive experience with your kids fosters a love for good food and promotes healthy eating habits.

  • Build-Your-Own Wraps: Lay out a selection of whole wheat tortillas, sliced deli meats, cheese, and an array of colorful veggies. Let your kids assemble their own wraps with their favorite fillings and toppings, such as lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, and avocado. This interactive lunch option encourages creativity and healthy choices.
  • Homemade Pizza: Prepare pizza dough from scratch or use pre-made dough. Set up a pizza bar with various toppings, including shredded cheese, sliced vegetables, cooked meats, and marinara sauce. Allow your kids to design their pizzas, and then bake them in the oven until the cheese is melted and bubbly. It’s a fun and delicious way to involve your kids in cooking.



Dinner is exceptional in our daily routine, bringing family members together after a long day to unwind, connect, and savor a delicious meal. It’s the time when stories are shared, laughter fills the air, and bonds are strengthened. By involving your kids in the dinner preparation, you create memorable experiences and instill a lifelong appreciation for cooking and family time.

  • Veggie Stir-Fry: Chop colorful vegetables like bell peppers, broccoli, carrots, and snap peas. Show your kids how to stir-fry the veggies in a hot pan with a small amount of oil, adding soy sauce or a homemade stir-fry sauce for flavor. Serve the stir-fry over steamed rice or noodles. This dish promotes vegetable consumption and teaches basic stir-frying skills.
  • Stuffed Bell Peppers: Cut the tops off bell peppers and remove the seeds and membranes. Combine cooked rice, lean ground turkey or beef, diced tomatoes, and spices in a bowl. Let your kids stuff the mixture into the bell peppers and sprinkle with cheese. Bake until the peppers are tender, and the filling is cooked through. This recipe introduces kids to different flavors and textures while incorporating veggies into the main course.

Cooking together with your kids goes beyond just preparing meals. It becomes an opportunity to impart valuable cooking skills, foster a sense of exploration, and cultivate healthy eating habits that will benefit them throughout their lives. Involving them in the kitchen empowers your children to make mindful food choices and develop a deeper appreciation for nutritious ingredients.

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5 Reasons Your Kids Should See the Dentist Regularly Tue, 30 May 2023 10:18:44 +0000 As parents, you have many responsibilitie to ensure your children develop into healthy individuals. Oral care and dental hygiene are often overlooked aspects of their health. Taking your kids to a pediatric dentistry clinic for regular dental checkups and cleanings is extremely important for their health, development, and long-term well-being.  A dentist is often a […]

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As parents, you have many responsibilitie to ensure your children develop into healthy individuals. Oral care and dental hygiene are often overlooked aspects of their health.

Taking your kids to a pediatric dentistry clinic for regular dental checkups and cleanings is extremely important for their health, development, and long-term well-being. 

A dentist is often a child’s worst nightmare (dental anxiety), and it must be one of your toughest tasks to convince them to go, and sometimes you might even cave. 

Here are 5 reasons why your kids should see the dentist regularly so that you ensure they make all their appointments. 


1. Prevent Dental Issues

Dental visits allow dentists to spot any signs of tooth decay or cavities early on and treat them before the problem worsens. If left undetected, small cavities can become larger, potentially causing infections, pain, and tooth loss.

It is better to get an issue identified and cured before it worsens, becomes a much heavier burden on your pocket, and is far more painful for your child! Gum disease can develop slowly without any symptoms.

Regular dental exams allow dentists to diagnose and treat gum disease in its initial stages before the gums and underlying bone sustain any permanent damage.

Dentists can determine if your child’s teeth and jaws are developing properly and if any orthodontic treatment may be needed to correct bite or alignment issues. Early orthodontic treatment often yields better results.

2. Maintain Oral Health

Professional dental cleanings remove built-up plaque and tartar that can lead to decay and gum disease if left untreated. Teeth cleanings also help remove surface stains to brighten your child’s smile—dentists thoroughly clean teeth to remove any plaque and tartar buildup.

Experts suggest that if left in place, plaque and tartar can harden into a cement-like material that only dentists can remove.

Dentists can check if your child’s at-home oral care routine is effective and make any recommendations to improve brushing and flossing techniques. They can also suggest alternative products if needed.

3. Monitor Dental Development

Dentists take X-rays to monitor how permanent teeth are developing under primary teeth and if wisdom teeth will emerge properly. They check that teeth are erupting on schedule and for any anomalies.

Dentists carefully examine jaw and bite development to determine if teeth and jaws are aligned properly or if orthodontic treatment may be required to correct an overbite, underbite, or crossbite.

Conditions like crowding, spacing issues, or extra or missing teeth can often be detected early and managed more easily during development. Dentists may use spacers, braces, or other orthodontics to guide teeth into proper alignment.

4. Promote Proper Oral Care

Dentists demonstrate effective brushing and flossing techniques to children to establish good lifetime oral care habits. They teach them to properly care for teeth and gums at home to minimize dental issues.

Dentists also guide good dietary choices and eating habits to support oral health. They help educate children and parents on nutritious foods that benefit teeth versus sugary or starchy foods that may promote decay.

Dentists can recommend quality oral care products, including toothbrushes, toothpaste, mouthwashes, and dental flosses, that are most suitable and age-appropriate for children based on their needs and risk factors.

5. Establish a Dental Routine

Taking kids to regular dental checkups from an early age helps establish positive experiences and associations with the dentist and can help alleviate anxieties about future visits.

The general fear children have from dentists might go away and help them establish a proper relationship with wanting to keep their teeth clean.

Developing a regular dental visit routine during childhood establishes an important habit of maintaining good oral health that will benefit your child lifelong.

Consistent dental checkups teach children from an early age that they are responsible for the health and well-being of their teeth and gums, and this accountability will serve them well as they age.


In summary, taking your kids to regular dental checkups and cleanings with a pediatric dentist provides many long-term benefits for their oral and general health. Visits to a clinic help establish good dental hygiene habits and ensure your child’s teeth and gums stay healthy as they grow and develop. Your investment in your child’s oral health from an early age will pay off by giving them a lifetime of healthy smiles.



Meet Miranda Spears, a freelance writer from Texas. She loves horseback riding, shopping, experimenting with new recipes, and spending time with her adorable pug, Gizmo. If you’re looking for a pediatric dentist in Carmel Valley, Miranda suggests checking out The Super Dentists for your child’s dental health.

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Dental Health Tips For Babies And Toddlers Thu, 06 Apr 2023 06:02:44 +0000 It is vital to take the dental health of babies and toddlers seriously, as cavities, also known as tooth decay, is one of the chronic childhood diseases in the United States. There are any other dental problems that affect your little ones. Cavities can cause infections and pain, affecting the toddler’s speaking, eating, learning, and playing. […]

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It is vital to take the dental health of babies and toddlers seriously, as cavities, also known as tooth decay, is one of the chronic childhood diseases in the United States. There are any other dental problems that affect your little ones.

Cavities can cause infections and pain, affecting the toddler’s speaking, eating, learning, and playing.

Also, statistics have shown that children with poor oral health, miss school more often and receive lower grades than children who don’t.

So in this article, we will look at the best dental health advice for babies and toddlers.

Dental Health Advice For Babies And Toddlers

Dental Health Tips For Babies And Toddlers

We will look at dental health advice for babies and toddlers separately.

For Babies:

  • Use a soft clean cloth or gauze pad to wipe their gums twice a day, in the morning after the first feeding and before bed, to remove sugars and bacteria that can cause any infection. Also, you can clean the child’s gum after each meal. When doing this, place the child in a comfortable position where you can quickly see inside their mouth.
  • When they start developing teeth, get a soft small‑bristled toothbrush and wash them with plain water. Place the toothbrush bristles along the teeth and against the gum line. Gently brush in a circular motion. Since the teeth are still tender, brushing back and front can hurt the baby’s gums and teeth. Also, remember to rush the tongue with the toothbrush.
  • Consult our doctor about fluoride toothpaste before you use it on babies to avoid any form of complication. If you must use fluoride toothpaste, use only a size of a grain of rice.
  • Visit the dentist when your baby turns a year old to detect any dental problems.

For Toddlers:

  • Use fluoride toothpaste on a soft toothbrush to brush your teeth twice a day.
  • Help the child brush their teeth until they learn how to brush. Ensure to observe them and that they use pea-sized toothpaste and spit out when they are done, rather than swallow it.
  • You can use tap water that contains fluoride for them.
  • Visit the dentist regularly for checkups. The child’s dentist can apply dental sealants when it is needed.

Other Dental Health Advice For Babies And Toddlers include:

Below are some of the other dental advice that will be helpful to the dental health of your babies and toddlers:

  • Be watchful about what your child eats or drinks throughout the day. This is because the sugar in the child’s food or drink turns to acid after 20 minutes in the child’s mouth. This is why washing your child’s mouth after each meal is essential.
  • Remove the breast from the baby’s mouth if they fall asleep while breastfeeding.
  • Avoid night feeding and on-demand feedings when the baby’s first tooth comes up.
  • Begin to wean your baby from a bottle to a cup upon their first birthday.
  • Avoid using a bottle as a pacifier. Use a bottle only during feeding.
  • Do not put your baby to sleep with a bottle of breast milk formula.
  • Fluoride toothpaste is best for babies and toddlers because it makes their teeth strong and protects them from tooth decay. 


Priority should be given to the dental health of babies and toddlers, as dental problems at this stage can interfere with speaking, hearing, and learning. Be watchful as you put into action the above tips. 

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The Essential Guide to Bottle Feeding Your Baby Tue, 21 Feb 2023 11:51:48 +0000 Bottle feeding is a great way to give your baby the nutrition they need. It can also be a great bonding experience for both you and your baby. But it can also be a tricky process to master. That’s why we’ve created this essential guide to bottle-feeding your baby. We’ll walk you through the process, […]

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The post The Essential Guide to Bottle Feeding Your Baby appeared first on You Must Get Healthy.

Bottle feeding is a great way to give your baby the nutrition they need. It can also be a great bonding experience for both you and your baby. But it can also be a tricky process to master.

That’s why we’ve created this essential guide to bottle-feeding your baby. We’ll walk you through the process, step by step, from the supplies you need to the techniques you need to use to ensure your baby is getting the best nutrition possible.

We’ll also discuss important safety tips and give you some helpful advice on how to make the process easier. So, if you’re ready to get started, let’s dive in and learn all about bottle feeding your baby!

Supplies You’ll Need for Bottle Feeding

Before you get started bottle feeding your baby, it’s important to make sure you have the right supplies. While you might be tempted to skimp on supplies, doing so could lead to a less-than-optimal bottle feeding experience. Here are the essential supplies you should have on hand.

  • Bottles: You’ll need bottles to feed your baby. Make sure you pick ones that are made of BPA-free plastic and have a wide neck for easy filling.
  • Nipples: You’ll need nipples that are the right size and shape for your baby’s mouth. Make sure the nipple has a slow flow so your baby doesn’t choke or get overwhelmed.
  • Formula: You’ll need to buy formula that’s appropriate for your baby’s age and health needs. For example, Holle Goat Stage 1 formula is a healthy option for your baby. If you’re unsure which formula to buy, consult your pediatrician.
  • Bottle Warmer: If you plan to warm your baby’s bottle, you’ll need a bottle warmer. This can help ensure that your baby’s formula is the right temperature.
  • Bottle Brush: To keep your bottles and nipples clean, you’ll need a bottle brush that is specifically designed for cleaning bottles and nipples.
  • Burp Cloths: You’ll need burp cloths to help protect your clothing and furniture from spit-up and leaks.
  • Bibs: You’ll need bibs to protect your baby’s clothing from formula and spills.

These are the essential supplies you need to get started bottle-feeding your baby. Now that you have the supplies you need, let’s move on to the next step: preparing the formula.

Preparing Formula: Step-by-Step Guide

Preparing your baby’s formula is a crucial step in the bottle-feeding process. To ensure that your baby gets the nutrition they need, it’s important to follow the instructions on the formula canister. Here’s a step-by-step guide to preparing the formula:

  • First, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water.
  • Next, read the instructions on the formula canister. Make sure you understand how much water and how much formula you need to use for each feeding.
  • Measure out the appropriate amount of water and pour it into the bottle.
  • Measure out the appropriate amount of formula and add it to the bottle.
  • Put the lid on the bottle and shake it until the formula is completely mixed with the water.
  • Test the temperature of the formula by squirting some onto the inside of your wrist. It should feel just slightly warm – not hot.
  • If the formula is too hot, let it cool down before giving it to your baby.
  • If the formula is too cold, you can warm it up by placing it in a bowl of hot water or using a bottle warmer.

Now that you’ve prepared the formula, it’s time to feed your baby.

Holding Your Baby for Bottle Feeding

Now that you’ve prepared the formula, it’s time to feed your baby. To make the bottle-feeding process easier and more comfortable for both you and your baby, it’s important to get into a comfortable position. Here are a few tips for holding your baby during bottle feeding:

  • Make sure you’re comfortable. If you’re not comfortable, it can be hard to focus on feeding your baby. Find a comfortable chair or sofa and sit up straight.
  • Support your baby’s head and neck. Make sure your baby’s head and neck are supported at all times. Place one hand behind their neck and one hand under their bottom.
  • Keep your baby close. Make sure your baby is close to you and can see your face. This will help them stay calm and focused on the bottle.
  • Make eye contact. Making eye contact with your baby will help create a strong bond and make the feeding experience more enjoyable for both of you.
  • Offer the bottle at an angle. Make sure the nipple is angled slightly downward so that the formula flows more easily into your baby’s mouth.

Now that you know how to hold your baby for bottle feeding, let’s discuss some important safety tips.

Important Safety Tips

Bottle feeding can be a safe and enjoyable experience for both you and your baby if you practice proper safety precautions. Here are some important safety tips to keep in mind:

  • Always make sure the formula is the right temperature. Test the formula on the inside of your wrist before giving it to your baby.
  • Never heat formula in the microwave. This can cause hot spots in the formula, which can burn your baby’s mouth.
  • Make sure the nipple isn’t cracked or damaged. If it is, discard it and get a new one.
  • Never use a bottle that has been dropped or stepped on.
  • Discard any formula that has been at room temperature for longer than two hours.
  • Never leave your baby unattended while bottle feeding.

Following these safety tips will help ensure that bottle feeding is a safe and enjoyable experience for both you and your baby. Now let’s discuss how to transition from breast to bottle.

Tips for Transitioning from Breast to Bottle

If you’re transitioning from breast to bottle, it’s important to take your time. Going too quickly can be overwhelming for your baby and could lead to a negative experience. Here are a few tips for transitioning from breast to bottle:

  • Start slow. Introduce the bottle gradually and give your baby time to get used to it.
  • Offer the bottle in a comfortable and relaxed environment. Try to recreate the experience of breastfeeding as much as possible.
  • Hold your baby in the same way you would while breastfeeding. This will help your baby feel secure and comfortable.
  • Choose the right nipple. Make sure the nipple is the right size and shape for your baby’s mouth.
  • Be patient. It may take some time for your baby to get used to the bottle. Don’t get discouraged if it takes a few tries.
  • Don’t give up. If your baby refuses the bottle, keep trying. Eventually, they will get used to it.

By following these tips, you can make the transition from breast to bottle easier and less stressful for both you and your baby. Now let’s discuss feeding on the go.

Feeding on the Go: Tips and Tricks

If you’re headed out for the day, you may be wondering how to feed your baby while you’re on the go. Here are a few tips and tricks for bottle feeding on the go:

  • Have all the supplies you need. Make sure you have all the supplies you need, including bottles, nipples, formula, and burp cloths.
  • Be prepared. Have a plan for where and when you’ll be feeding your baby.
  • Find a comfortable spot. If you’re out and about, try to find a comfortable spot where you can feed your baby. A park bench or a quiet corner in a cafe can work.
  • Have a change of clothes. Accidents happen, so make sure you have a change of clothes for both you and your baby.
  • Pack extra supplies. Bring more formula, bottles, and nipples than you think you’ll need. This will help you be prepared for unexpected situations.

Following these tips will help make bottle feeding on the go easier and less stressful for both you and your baby. Now let’s discuss how to make sure your baby is getting enough nutrition.

Guide to Bottle Feeding Your Baby

How to Tell If Your Baby is Getting Enough Nutrition

It’s important to make sure your baby is getting enough nutrition when bottle feeding. Here are a few ways to check if your baby is getting enough nutrition:

  • Check your baby’s weight. Make sure your baby is gaining weight steadily. This is an indication that they’re getting enough nutrition.
  • Monitor how much your baby is eating. Make sure your baby is finishing their bottle and not leaving too much formula behind.
  • Check for signs of dehydration. If your baby’s skin appears dry or their diaper is dry for more than three hours, this could be a sign of dehydration.
  • Look for signs of fullness. If your baby is turning away from the bottle or not finishing their feedings, this could be a sign that they’re full.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your baby is getting the nutrition they need.


Bottle feeding can be a great way to give your baby the nutrition they need and create a strong bond with them. To make sure the process goes smoothly, it’s important to have the right supplies and to follow the instructions on the formula canister. It’s also important to practice proper safety precautions and to transition from breast to bottle slowly and patiently.

Lastly, it’s important to make sure your baby is getting enough nutrition by monitoring their weight, how much they’re eating, and looking for signs of dehydration and fullness. We hope this guide has been helpful and has given you the confidence to start bottle-feeding your baby!


Tracie Johnson is a New Jersey native and an alum of Penn State University. She is passionate about writing, reading, and living a healthy lifestyle. She feels happiest when around friends and family. Tracie recommends if you are looking for Holle goat milk formula.

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5 Dental Hygiene Practices To Teach Your Kids Thu, 10 Nov 2022 05:51:28 +0000 Teaching your kids dental hygiene is one of the great ways to help them maintain a healthy lifestyle. But this is more than just a battle of wills. Your kids may have different preferences and desires, so you’ll need to find which tactics work best for your family. It’s also one of the easiest ways […]

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Teaching your kids dental hygiene is one of the great ways to help them maintain a healthy lifestyle. But this is more than just a battle of wills. Your kids may have different preferences and desires, so you’ll need to find which tactics work best for your family. It’s also one of the easiest ways to teach them healthy habits that can last a lifetime.

Here are a few dental hygiene practices that you should teach your kids.

1. Teach them How to Brush Their Teeth Properly

The first step in teaching good dental hygiene is ensuring your kids brush their teeth properly. This will include showing them how to brush their teeth twice a day. Teach your children how to use gentle up-down motions to ensure they touch their gum line.

They mustn’t use too much pressure to avoid damaging the gums. You should also teach them to brush their tongues, spit out the toothpaste, and use clean water to rinse their mouth after they are done. They should do this twice per day.

2. Teach Them How to Floss Their Teeth

Flossing is one of the most effective ways to keep your teeth healthy for the rest of your life. It keeps your gums in good shape and helps prevent cavities. Flossing also helps to remove plaque and bacteria that your toothbrush can’t reach.

Teach your kids how to floss the right way by first demonstrating it yourself. Show them how to wrap the floss around each tooth and then pull it out gently. You should do this once per day as well. If you don’t floss regularly, you are highly susceptible to developing tooth decay.

3. Encouraging Healthy Eating

The foods eaten by your child significantly impact their oral health. So, it’s crucial to teach them that foods that contain too much sugar or acid can adversely affect their dental health in the long run.

Sugary food often caries bacteria and leads to plaque formation, which hardens into tartar in the mouth.

Further, acidic foods might leave acidic residue on your child’s teeth leading to tooth enamel erosion. The acid erodes the hard substance of a tooth, making it lose its surface or become soft, thus being susceptible to dental erosion.

Some of these sugary foods include candies, sodas, pastries, and other sweets. Whenever you can, replace them with healthier alternatives such as fruits and protein bars. If you love giving treats to your children once in a while, please do it in moderation!

Dental Hygiene Practices to Teach Your Kids

4. Visiting a Dentist Frequently

Your kids must get accustomed to visiting the dentist early in their lives. Taking your child to a dentist helps to detect problems early.

Making sure to take children to a pediatric dentist will minimize their chances of having tooth decay or cavities. Visit the dentist at least every six months. It will help your kids to overcome dental anxiety at an early age.

If you’re uncomfortable taking your kids to the dentist, make an appointment with your orthodontist.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that you start taking your children to the dentist at age one. This will ensure your child has the correct oral development. This early dental health check also lets you properly address any problems.

5. Changing their Toothbrush Regularly

A toothbrush often becomes ineffective at cleaning your teeth as it gets old. As such, it’s important to change it regularly to maintain the effectiveness of cleaning your child’s teeth.

Your child’s current toothbrush might also have accumulated some plaque and other nasty stuff in the bristles. So it’s important to change the brush every 3 months at least to make sure they don’t spread any bacteria.

To help your kids know when to replace their toothbrushes, consider keeping them in a special holder, so it’s easy to find them. You can also put stickers on their toothbrushes that indicate when they are due for a new one.

Overall, giving your kids the gift of good dental hygiene is one of the most effective ways to give them a healthy start in life. By doing so, you can teach them how to maintain good dental health and prevent problems in the future.

Some of the best practices you can teach them to include how to brush and floss their teeth, consuming healthy foods, regularly visiting the dentist, and changing their toothbrushes.

Investing your time focusing on your child’s dental health will go a long way in helping them have healthy teeth, resulting in a great smile.

Author’s Bio:

McKenzie Jones is your typical Midwestern gal. When she is not writing or reading, she can be found training for her next half-marathon, baking something sweet, playing her guitar, or cuddling up with her golden retriever, Cooper. She loves watching football, the fall weather, and long road trips. The foods eaten by your child significantly impact their oral health. So, it’s crucial to teach them that foods that contain too much sugar or acid can adversely affect their dental health in the long run.

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7 Basic Health Tips for Elementary Students Thu, 27 Oct 2022 13:57:09 +0000 Every parent must know the essential health tips for elementary students. This will help them ensure their kids grow up to be healthy individuals at all ramifications. The best time to start teaching kids about their health is young. As a parent, you know that your child will always be a part of the family […]

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The post 7 Basic Health Tips for Elementary Students appeared first on You Must Get Healthy.

Every parent must know the essential health tips for elementary students. This will help them ensure their kids grow up to be healthy individuals at all ramifications.

The best time to start teaching kids about their health is young. As a parent, you know that your child will always be a part of the family and share your values, so they must learn good habits early on.

Health tips for elementary students depend on factors such as nutrition, sleep, exercise, rest, and hygiene.

7 Health Tips for Elementary Students 

Health Tips for Elementary Students

Below are the essential health tips every elementary student should observe.

1. Get plenty of exercise

Exercise is one of the best things you can do for your health! It makes you stronger, helps prevent diseases like heart disease and diabetes, improves mental health, and helps control weight gain.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children between 6 and 17 get 60 minutes of daily physical activity. This can include walking, running and biking to school, playing sports, or doing chores around the house.

2. Schedule playtime into your daily routine

If you schedule playtime into your day, it will be easier to find time for it! Set aside a specific amount of time each day (like 30 minutes) for unstructured play with friends or family members.

You might try setting aside free time after school to squeeze in a game or two before homework! Play keeps them fit physically and mentally.

3. Incorporate healthy eating habits

Elementary-aged children need to eat breakfast daily because it helps them concentrate in class and perform better on tests.

Kids should also learn how to make healthy choices while away from homes, such as choosing low-fat dairy products instead of sugary snacks like cookies or candy bars.

Teach them to get well-balanced meals which consist of three square meals, and introduce your children to eating fruits and vegetables. If they are taught how to eat fruits and vegetables at this stage, they will become part of them growing up.

4. Get plenty of sleep every night

Sleep is essential for healthy growth and development in children. A lack of sleep can seriously affect your child’s health, including slower reaction time, impaired memory, and mood swings.

Help your child establish good sleeping habits by setting regular bedtimes and waking times each day; avoid caffeine after 2 p.m.; try not to use electronics before bedtime; keep bedrooms dark (blackout shades or curtains); use a fan instead of an air conditioner and ensure they sleep for at least eight hours daily.

5. Drink plenty of water throughout the day

Water is essential for your body to work correctly and stay healthy. It helps flush out toxins from your system and makes up more than half of your body weight!

Drinking plenty of water daily will help keep you feeling full, so you don’t overeat during meals or snacks. Try carrying a water bottle at school to take sips whenever you need them!

Apart from drinking water, there are other ways to stay more hydrated.

6. Proper hygiene habits

Teach children the importance of brushing their teeth after eating or drinking anything sweet or sugary, as this will help prevent tooth decay and cavities from forming in their teeth (if left untreated).

Also, teach them the importance of hand washing after eating, touching a dirty surface, and using the toilet.

Teach them the importance of bathing twice daily and keeping their fingernails clean.

7. Limit their sugar intake

The American Academy of Pediatrics stated that sugar makes up about 17% of children’s food daily.

Children who feed more on beverages and processed food are exposed to this sugar and placing them at a higher risk of having dental problems, obesity, or related diseases later in the future.

Hence, it is imperative that children who are elementary students reduce their sugar intake.


Growing healthy children is necessary, and this cannot be achieved if the above health tips are not maintained. Ensure you stick to the health plans and keep them away from drugs, tobacco, or sugar. Note that this is the best stage of the child’s life to teach them a healthy lifestyle.




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3 Tips for Raising Emotionally Healthy Foster Children Fri, 30 Sep 2022 14:22:08 +0000 Foster children often have had to deal with unique experiences, and no two foster children are the same. Your goal as a foster parent should be first to make them feel safe, but also to show them how to express their emotions and constructively express them. This can be a challenge for you as a […]

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The post 3 Tips for Raising Emotionally Healthy Foster Children appeared first on You Must Get Healthy.

Foster children often have had to deal with unique experiences, and no two foster children are the same. Your goal as a foster parent should be first to make them feel safe, but also to show them how to express their emotions and constructively express them.

This can be a challenge for you as a parent, but if you’re willing to work with them at their pace, you might be surprised at how much they grow emotionally from the time you welcome them to the time they leave your home. Let’s take a look at how you can raise emotionally healthy foster children.

Start with the Right Agency

The first thing you have to do is make sure that you pick an agency that will respect your wishes and assign children you’ll be equipped to deal with.

A good agency will respect where you are as a foster parent and only give you cases you can handle.

They will also make sure to provide the right level of financial support for any of the child’s needs. If you’re looking for a good agency and would like to learn more about the financial details, you can check out

Allow them to Fully Integrate into the Family

You have to give foster children the same level of attention and caring as any of your other children. You should also encourage your biological children to treat foster children like their siblings as much as they can.

This can be done by allowing them to socialise and play alone after the child has started getting acquainted with the family.

Going to a family event early where the children will be able to socialise with each other and other kids could also allow them to form bonds.

Deal with Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is something a lot of foster children deal with, and you have to be equipped to help them cope. The first thing you have to do is let them know that you’re not responsible for them being separated from their parents. You also have to acknowledge their feelings and understand that they might have conflicting emotions.

If the child has any questions, try to answer them as clearly and truthfully as possible. Also, make sure to never say anything negative about their biological parents and let them know well in advance when or if they’re going to get visits.

It is very important to have set routines and let the foster children know what the rules of the house are as soon as possible. Children, especially foster children, are reassured by structure even if they might complain about certain rules.

Also, show the child that you are there for them through your actions, not words. This means taking time out of your schedule for planning activities with them like playing sports, going on one-on-one trips, or playing games at home.

Raising foster children is a great thing to do, and if you do it right, the children you help will remember you their whole lives for it. So, try to give them the best environment for them to grow emotionally and become better at expressing themselves.

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How to Encourage Kids to Be More Active Fri, 22 Jul 2022 05:38:19 +0000 Encouraging your child to be more physically active is something that many parents struggle with. While it can be challenging to keep your child away from screens, evidence shows that exercise is incredibly important to improving their well-being.  According to a report from Childwise, children aged between five and sixteen spend an average of six-and-a-half […]

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The post How to Encourage Kids to Be More Active appeared first on You Must Get Healthy.

Encouraging your child to be more physically active is something that many parents struggle with. While it can be challenging to keep your child away from screens, evidence shows that exercise is incredibly important to improving their well-being. 

According to a report from Childwise, children aged between five and sixteen spend an average of six-and-a-half hours a day in front of screens. This is a startling figure that explains why children are spending less time being active. To have a healthy development and maintain a healthy weight, children should engage in 60 minutes of moderate and vigorous physical activity every day. Today, most children aren’t spending enough time being active. Below are some ideas of how you can encourage them to change this.

Be a role model

Perhaps the simplest way of encouraging a child to be more active is by changing your own behavior. Children are strongly influenced by the adults and older children in their households. By being more active, you can demonstrate to them the benefits of exercise whilst enthusing them to join in. 

Organizing activities as a family is a particularly effective approach. This could be an accessible activity like playing basketball at a local court or something more adventurous like hiring some paddle boards or kayaks for an afternoon. The important thing is to make sure you devote time to group activities. They can be great for improving fitness in the family and present an opportunity to bond with one another. There are many other outdoor exercises you can do together as a family.

Choose an activity that is developmentally appropriate

One of the main purposes of encouraging children to be more active is to help their physical and mental development. Children should see physical activity positively, so it’s important that you encourage them to partake in activities that aren’t too difficult for them. 

To work out if an activity is appropriate for them, it may be helpful to ask their teacher to speak to other parents with children of a similar age. For any new activity, ease your child into it or, if it’s a technical exercise, teach them how to do it safely. 

For example, before you go for a bike ride with your child, be certain that they are confident on the bike, especially if it’s in a public space. If they are a younger child, it would be best to keep the route short and avoid any hills or difficult terrain.

Organize a kids’ charity run

A great way to encourage children to be more active is to host a charity event. A good example of this would be a kids’ charity run. In planning for your event, it is important that you consider the route. It should be a length that is appropriate for the age group and has a few corners and hazards as possible. 

A good, enthusiastic group of volunteers will help the event go as planned. It is likely that the parents of the children would be happy to help out. The volunteers can help you set out the course and should be positioned along it during the event. Charity runs ought to be fun, so make sure that you bring a lot of energy on the day and encourage the spectators to cheer the children on.

Utilize phone apps that promote exercise

There are lots of phone apps available that are made to help you exercise. These can be great ways of making physical activity fun for children. For example, you can encourage them to use simple ones like a daily step counter. These are great for activities such as walking or biking. 

Alternatively, some apps are more in-depth and plan out exercise programs that the children can follow. While these are generally paid for, they can be great for helping your child get used to a new routine and are certainly worth it.

Buy gifts that promote physical activities

The majority of children enjoy physical activity, and there are simple ways to encourage them to do it more. Giving children sports clothing and equipment can increase their confidence and enable them to learn new activities. 

Buying your child a physical gift, such as a new football or a tennis racket, can give them the encouragement they need to get going. Active toys are particularly good for younger children as these allow them to incorporate physical activity into their playtime.

How to Encourage Kids to Be More Active

Do not overdo activities

Understanding your child’s limits, both physically and mentally, is important to make sure that exercise is a positive experience for them. While adults often enjoy longer and more intense activities, children are more likely to grow tired and lose interest pretty quickly. To keep a child focused on the activity, ensure that it is within their ability.

It can be hard to get children to spend less time watching screens, but by trying and persisting with these ideas, you should see an improvement in your child’s motivation for physical activity.

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