Fitness & Exercise - You Must Get Healthy The No. 1 Health And Fitness Blog For You Thu, 11 Jul 2024 15:51:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to Encourage Teenagers to be More Active Wed, 10 Jul 2024 23:40:49 +0000 Regular physical activity provides many health benefits for teenagers. Being active can help teens maintain a healthy weight, strengthen their bones and muscles, improve sleep, reduce stress, and boost self-esteem. Physical activity also gives teenagers an outlet for energy and social interaction with peers. With UK teenagers spending over seven hours per day in front […]

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Regular physical activity provides many health benefits for teenagers. Being active can help teens maintain a healthy weight, strengthen their bones and muscles, improve sleep, reduce stress, and boost self-esteem.

Physical activity also gives teenagers an outlet for energy and social interaction with peers.

With UK teenagers spending over seven hours per day in front of screens, encouraging more activity is vital for their physical and mental wellbeing.  

Make Exercise Fun

The key to getting teens moving is making exercise enjoyable. Team sports allow teenagers you are fostering with Orange Grove Foster Care to socialize and have fun with friends while being active. Sports like football, basketball, hockey, netball and rugby are great options.

You can also look for recreational leagues in your community that welcome teenagers.

If your teen isn’t into competitive sports, suggest going for a bike ride, hiking, swimming, or dancing with friends instead. Getting a dog that needs walking can also motivate your teen to move more. 

Lead By Example

Teenagers are more likely to be active if they see their parents exercising regularly. Go for evening walks together as a family, or sign up for an exercise class you can attend with your teen.

Ask your teen to show you workout routines they enjoy, like yoga, circuits, or dance videos.

Being active together strengthens your bond while setting a great example. Praise your teen when you notice them making an effort to exercise more.

Offer Rewards 

Providing small rewards can give teens an incentive to participate in physical activities.

Offer to pay your teen if they walk the dog a certain number of times per week. After a sports game or dance class, stop for a smoothie or milkshake on the way home.

Let your teen invite a friend over after completing a workout video with you. Teenagers respond well to small treats that reinforce healthy behaviors.

Reduce Screen Time

Excessive screen time is a major barrier to exercise for today’s teens. Institute limits on recreational screen time to help make room for physical activity.

No phones or tablets should be allowed during meals, and the aim should be to have no more than 2 hours per day of non-school-related screen time.

Charge all devices outside the bedroom overnight to avoid late-night social media and gaming habits. Schedule a daily screen-free time when your teen can read, play sports outside, or engage in hobbies.  

How to Encourage Teenagers to be More Active full-shot-mother-hugging-daughter_23-2148478553

Encourage Active Transport

Rather than driving your teen everywhere, suggest walking, cycling, or public transport to places like schools, friends’ houses, and shops.

This builds physical activity into your teen’s daily routine. Offer to pay for an annual bus pass to make public transport affordable.

Provide your teen with a bicycle and safety gear to empower independent, active travel. Let friends know your teen is happy to walk or cycle to social engagements.

Focus on Enjoyment, Variety and Consistency

The most important factors when encouraging teenagers to exercise are enjoyment, variety, and consistency. Help your teen find activities they genuinely enjoy rather than rigidly forcing participation.

Introduce new and fun forms of exercise regularly to keep them engaged. Aim to build physical activity into their daily or weekly schedule, so it becomes a normal habit.

With patience and positivity, you can set your teenager up for a lifetime of healthy physical activity.

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5 Uplifting Emotional Benefits of Volleyball Fri, 28 Jun 2024 05:05:08 +0000 Volleyball is a popular indoor sport that is played globally. It is a non-contact team sport where two opposing teams have three hits to pass a ball over a dividing net and score points by grounding a ball on the other team’s court. Many people play volleyball professionally and casually. However, do you know that […]

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Volleyball is a popular indoor sport that is played globally. It is a non-contact team sport where two opposing teams have three hits to pass a ball over a dividing net and score points by grounding a ball on the other team’s court.

Many people play volleyball professionally and casually. However, do you know that there are many emotional benefits of playing volleyball. This article discusses the emotional benefits of volleyball.

Volleyball isn’t just a usual game where you get to achieve physical benefits or where you get to achieve your dream of playing with the best team and possibly being among the best players in your city.

Beyond that, volleyball provides many emotional benefits to its players regardless of their age. While playing, socializing, and training with fellow players, something wonderful is happening to your emotional health and state.

5 Emotional Benefits of Volleyball

There a number of mental health benefits associated with playing team sports like volleyball. Here are some of them.

1. Enhances emotional connections

Emotional connection is one of the growth indexes of man’s emotional health. Emotional connection satisfies man’s basic need for love and companionship.

It has been proved that volleyball team members are known to make strong connections that go beyond the locker room and the field.

Your team members become your friends; some transcend into your friends for life, and they tend to help you in other areas of your life. There are many studies that prove that playing team sports can improve social health.

Your interaction with team members gives you the emotional energy needed to start out, play well, and build a drive to succeed. This emotional connection that you built helps you stay active and focus on your game.

2. Builds your interpersonal skills

Volleyball demands you work cooperatively with your team members at a fast pace.

A volleyball game cannot be won without teamwork and collaboration; this is where communication comes into play.

You learn how to communicate with body gestures and words. A study has shown that men involve in sports have better interpersonal skills than those that don’t.

You get to transfer these skills to the workplace. Most volleyball players tend to be better team heads and leaders and even better staff.

They can work as a team in the office, easily connect with the stakeholders, and easily read facial and body language and understand what it means.

3. Improves your mental resilience

The volleyball games improve your ability and motivation to succeed, not just as a sports person but also as an individual. There are basic skills or traits to succeed, such as teamwork, persistence, patience, and faith in oneself.

In the game of volleyball, you learn how to communicate to team players for ideas and strategies to succeed, and you gain an understanding of team progress and team success. 

You learn persistence through setting, serving, and spiking, which is an essential attribute if you want to succeed. You gain patience as volleyball teaches you how to be patient with fellow team members and patiently master specific skills you need to succeed.

In volleyball, you are taught to believe in yourself and see yourself as a success, as this is the only way you get to play well. This trait transcends beyond the field in building your overall self-esteem, which is very important in your career.

4. Fights off depression

Participation in team sports and exercise is associated with reducing depression. Your involvement in the volleyball game reduces stress, improves your mood, and makes you derive pleasure from your accomplishments as a team member.

These make you happy and build your self-confidence. Also, the game of volleyball helps build a social network that fights off boredom and can fight depression.

According to one study, athletes who play team sports like volleyball are less likely to suffer anxiety or depression compared to individual sport athletes.

5. Relieves stress

Stress can adversely affect your emotional health. When stress becomes overwhelming and prolonged, it can lead to irritability or aggression, insomnia, fatigue, exhaustion, sadness, and loss of concentration.

Nonetheless, playing volleyball is a great way to relieve stress and boost your emotional health.

Playing volleyball boosts your mood, reduces stress and can help you relax. One medical study stated that engaging in team sports like volleyball can alleviate anxiety, depression, stress, and boost sleep quality in college students.


Volleyball is a one of the most well-known indoor team sports that can play for fun. There are many emotional benefits of playing volleyball such as reducing stress, building connections, and fighting depression.

You can start out by joining a local volleyball team in your neighborhood. You mustn’t play it for the trophy; you can make it a weekend activity or hobby.

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10 Valuable Fitness Tips For Senior Citizens Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:05:32 +0000 You do not have to be young to lead an active lifestyle. Adopting a fitness program that works for you as you age is essential. Begin with getting rid of whatever myth and misconception about aging and activity you’re allowing to set you back, such as ‘there’s no point to exercising because I’m already elderly; […]

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You do not have to be young to lead an active lifestyle. Adopting a fitness program that works for you as you age is essential.

Begin with getting rid of whatever myth and misconception about aging and activity you’re allowing to set you back, such as ‘there’s no point to exercising because I’m already elderly; Exercising puts me at a risk of falling; I am disabled; I’m too weak; I have too many aches and pains, etc.’

While all these might seem like valid arguments, they are nothing but myths that wants to set you back and stop you from fully enjoying your old age. Fitness comes with an abundance of physical and mental benefits, eventually increasing your longevity and enhancing your quality of life.

Below are a few fitness tips for senior citizens that can help you get started on your fitness journey and maintain your health year-round:

7 Fitness Tips For Senior Citizens

Fitness Tips For Senior Citizens

Here are seven must-know fitness tips that senior citizens need to be aware of:

1. Become active

Physical activity strengthens the immune system. Your body is more capable of fighting infection and inflammation the more active you become.

It’s not necessary to engage in strenuous activities. Exercises with less impact prove to be very effective. There are so many very easy exercises for seniors.

Consider cycling, walking, swimming, or other low-impact aerobics. If you can, engage in 20 to 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per day to meet the recommended total of 150 minutes per week. You can strengthen your muscles further by engaging in yoga or weightlifting.

Ensure to find an exercise program that feels the most comfortable for you.

2. Start gradually

Take things slow and easy. You can start with a quick jog or walk once weekly, stopping when you feel you have reached your tolerance limit.

You can gradually increase or intensify your workouts in subsequent weeks. This way, you won’t experience overload or discouragement, and as a result, you’ll be able to see real progress over time.

If you’re just coming to grips with certain movements or workout patterns, it’s also critical to proceed slowly.

For instance, poor technique can do more harm than good, whether you’re lifting weights or engaging in body weight workouts. Be mindful of your motions and posture. Don’t be afraid to ask a fitness professional for advice on making particular motions safely or fixing your form.

3. Get a fitness partner

A fitness buddy can make your routine more enjoyable and keep you motivated and accountable.

A partner can offer some friendly competition if you choose to play a sport. You also get ample time to socialize, talk and connect with your workout companions.

Family, coworkers, and friends are all suitable workout companions. And if you have problems finding partners, check around to see if any group fitness programs provide an exercise routine for seniors within your local neighborhood or gym.

4. Try strength training

Strength or resistance training can tremendously benefit senior citizens. According to medical research, strength-training exercises can combat weakness, frailty, and other debilitating health conditions in older adults. 

When done regularly, say 2 to 3 days per week, strength training exercises can build muscle strength and muscle mass and preserve bone density and vitality with age.

You can start with small strength training exercises and gradually make progress.

5. Exercise at home

As a senior citizen, it might not be easy to make trips to the gym for your workout. Hence, one of the most important fitness tips for senior citizens is to exercise at home.

You can get a lot out of your workout when you do it from home. It can also be more comfortable and convenient for your needs.

6. Maintain a balanced diet

Diets high in fruits, vegetables, and lean meats strengthen your immune system and shield you from contagious viruses and bacteria.

Antioxidants are found in large quantities in fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants keep your body healthy and guard your cells against harm.

Additionally, you should limit your intake of fatty and sugary meals because they can weaken your immune system and cause internal inflammation. Limit the amount of alcohol you consume as well.

7. Be attentive to your body

Exercise should never be painful or unpleasant. If you feel dizzy or short of breath, experience pain, or break out in a cold sweat, stop exercising immediately and call your doctor.

The best method to deal with injuries is to prevent them in the first place. Delay your routine if a joint is red, swollen, or sensitive to the touch. If you constantly feel pain or discomfort after working out, try working out with less intensity.

8. Engage in water aerobics

Water aerobics are one of the best forms of exercise for senior citizens, because it reduces the stress on joints due to the buoyancy of water, making it an excellent choice for seniors with arthritis or joint pain. It also provides resistance, which helps in building strength and cardiovascular endurance.

Many community centers and gyms offer water aerobics classes specifically designed for seniors. Alternatively, you can perform simple exercises like water walking, leg lifts, and arm curls in a pool.

9. Stretch often 

Regular stretching helps maintain flexibility and range of motion, which are crucial for performing daily activities and reducing the risk of injuries. It can also alleviate muscle stiffness and improve circulation.

Incorporate stretching into your daily routine, ideally after a warm-up or workout when muscles are more pliable.

Focus on major muscle groups and hold each stretch for 15-30 seconds. Simple stretches like hamstring stretches, calf stretches, and shoulder stretches are effective.

10. Try dancing

Dancing improves cardiovascular health, balance, and coordination. It also serves as a social activity, which can enhance mental well-being and reduce feelings of isolation.

You can join a dance class tailored for seniors, such as ballroom, line dancing, or Zumba.

Dancing can also be done at home with the help of online tutorials or simply dancing to your favorite music. Aim to dance for at least 30 minutes a few times a week.


Becoming physically active is one of the healthiest decisions you can make as you age, but it must be done safely. Consult your doctor before starting, especially if you have a previous condition. Inquire about any activities you should avoid.

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How To Motivate Yourself To Workout Alone Fri, 21 Jun 2024 00:05:51 +0000 Have you ever started a workout and then quit? If yes, you aren’t alone. Many people start workouts and quit after some time. Struggling to find the motivation to work out alone can be a significant challenge for many people. Whether it’s the lack of a workout partner, the monotony of solo exercise routines, or […]

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Have you ever started a workout and then quit? If yes, you aren’t alone. Many people start workouts and quit after some time.

Struggling to find the motivation to work out alone can be a significant challenge for many people.

Whether it’s the lack of a workout partner, the monotony of solo exercise routines, or simply the difficulty of staying disciplined, the barriers to maintaining a consistent fitness regimen on your own are real and frustrating.

You might find yourself starting with enthusiasm, only to see your motivation wane over time, leaving you feeling disappointed and unaccomplished.

Nonetheless, this doesn’t have to be the case. You just need the right motivation to workout alone and this article contains ways you can motivate yourself to work out alone.

How To Motivate Yourself To Workout Alone

Working out alone can be challenging for many people, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right mindset and a few simple strategies, you can learn to motivate yourself to workout alone and achieve your fitness goals.

1. Set goals

If you don’t have a goal that guides your workout routine, there is a high chance that you will quit after a while.

Setting specific and realistic goals is an important step in motivating yourself to workout alone.

Having a clear idea of what you want to achieve, such as losing weight or building muscle, will help you stay focused and motivated.

Set simple and realistic goals, and begin. Don’t make the goal ambiguous. Start with something simple, like jogging for 10 minutes, five times a week, and gradually increase as your endurance builds.

A long-term goal can be to lose some weight. So break down your goals into achievable units and run with them.

The Department of Health and Human Services recommends that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercises or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic exercises every week.

2. Make it enjoyable

Working out isn’t punishment, so go for activities and sports you enjoy. Also, stick to a convenient routine.

If you like working out in the morning, begin to do it. If you are a weekend person, you can join a sports team, gym class, or dance class – basically anything that interests you.   

If you like working out indoors, go to YouTube and get videos and follow them. Remember that exercise isn’t meant to be boring, so enjoy yourself as you do it.

3. Write it down

Write down your goals. Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to be fit? Make it clear on paper. As you exercise and see changes, write them down.

You can get an exercise diary where you keep daily records of your exercise, the kind you enjoy and don’t enjoy, and the changes so far. Journaling is one of the best ways to motivate yourself to work out alone.

4. Make it a daily routine

One of the most effective ways of motivating yourself to work out alone is to make it a daily routine. It mustn’t be a rigorous one.

It can be simple as using the stairs instead of the elevator, walking your dog if you have one, jogging on a treadmill, or doing strength training exercises during your free time or lunch break.

Research has found that sitting for long periods negatively affects your health, so if your work demands sitting for long, take breaks and walk around the office or do some stretching.

5. Be flexible

Be flexible while working out alone. If you’re too tired or busy to work out, take a day or two off and resume.

It is not a guided marital art, so rest when you are tired. Spice up the activities – you mustn’t stick to a particular one.

6. Reward yourself

Rewarding yourself is one of the best ways to remain motivated as you work out alone. After each exercise, take your time and enjoy the sweet savor the activity gives you.

Also, you can try out external rewards by giving yourself a treat when you attain a major goal. You mustn’t wait for others to reward you.

Another additional tip when it comes to motivating yourself to workout alone is to find ways to hold yourself accountable.

7. Listen to music or podcasts

A great way to motivate yourself to workout alone is to listen to music or podcasts.

Listening to music or podcasts can help you stay motivated and focused during your workout. Choose upbeat and energizing music or find a podcast that is interesting and engaging to keep your mind occupied and motivated.


Remember, physical activity is essential for healthy living. However, working out alone can be a challenging task, but it can also be a great opportunity to focus on your own goals and progress.

By setting clear and achievable goals, creating a workout plan, and finding ways to hold yourself accountable, you can stay motivated and make the most of your solo workouts.

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10 Clever Fitness Tips For Dads Mon, 17 Jun 2024 00:05:11 +0000 Being a dad is the most rewarding feeling in the world. On the other hand, it means having less time for yourself and your desires. You’ll have to cut back on simple things like going to the gym to more complex things like spending a weekend camping with your buddies. This can be distressing, especially […]

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The post 10 Clever Fitness Tips For Dads appeared first on You Must Get Healthy.

Being a dad is the most rewarding feeling in the world. On the other hand, it means having less time for yourself and your desires. You’ll have to cut back on simple things like going to the gym to more complex things like spending a weekend camping with your buddies.

This can be distressing, especially if you’re trying to stay fit, commit to a fitness goal or lose weight. However, there are actually easy ways to stay fit as a dad.

If you’re looking for some good fitness tips for dads, this article will help you with some suggestions.

1. Choose the right time to exercise 

You can go to the gym a few times a week depending on how many kids you have and how old they are. You should spend as much time as possible at home with your children when they are young, so don’t worry if you don’t make it to the gym in the first few months. 

However, as they get older, you must consider your energy level, work-related responsibilities, and your entire daily routine. So consider this carefully, consult with your partner, and determine the best workout time for you and your family.

2. Eat a healthy diet

If you’re working all day and trying to raise a child at the same time, you probably don’t have a lot of time to devote to the gym.

You’ll be too preoccupied with raising your kid to do anything else. So, how do you improve your health and appearance?

Fortunately, there is a simple yet effective trick that can help – simply change your diet. You should consider switching to healthy options and stick to them instead of eating fast food and drinking soda drinks.

The key is to eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, and water, as well as a high-quality chocolate protein powder that will help you lose weight and improve your appearance. 

3. Define your goals

Not all fathers have the same fitness goals when they go to the gym. Those who are overweight want to lose weight, while others want to stay in shape and improve their appearance. 

Whatever you’re trying to accomplish, defining your short- and long-term goals are critical, and the sooner you do so, the better – it’s the only way to avoid wasting valuable gym time without seeing results.

4. Involve your children

Fitness Tips for dads

Finally, keep in mind that no one is telling you that you can’t be a dad and be in shape at the same time. You can easily do both things simultaneously.

All you have to do is figure out how to bring these two aspects of your life together. One way to do this might be to involve your children and might help strengthen your bond.

5. Find opportunities to weight train

As a dad, you may have little or no time to hit the gym and get a proper weight training session.

However, you can take any opportunity to lift some weights and keep your body fit. For instance, when going to the supermarket, you can carry your shopping in a basket to strengthen your core and upper body.

You can lift safe household items in your free time and carry your children’s backpack.

6. Incorporate family activities

Engage in physical activities that involve the whole family, such as hiking, biking, or playing sports. This not only keeps you fit but also sets a great example for your children.

These kinds of family activities promote bonding and sets a healthy example for your kids. It keeps everyone active, fosters teamwork, and makes fitness fun and inclusive for the whole family.

7. Prioritize morning workouts

Morning workouts are essential for busy dads because they help ensure that exercise happens before the day’s demands take over.

Starting your day with a workout can boost your energy levels, improve your mood, and set a positive tone for the rest of the day. It’s a proactive way to make fitness a priority.

For many dads, the mornings are the only time when they can have a moment to themselves. Doing this can boost your energy for the day, helps establish routine, and reduces the likelihood of skipping workouts due to unexpected events.

8. Utilize playgrounds

Playgrounds offer versatile equipment that can be used for a variety of exercises. Making use of playgrounds for workouts is a smart way for dads to stay active while spending time with their kids.

This creative approach turns playtime into an opportunity for a full-body workout.

9. Home workouts are important

Home workouts are particularly convenient for dads as they can be done anytime, fitting easily into a busy schedule.

With the responsibilities of work and family, finding time to go to the gym can be challenging. Having the flexibility to exercise at home ensures that fitness remains a priority without sacrificing family time or other commitments.

Thus, ensure to invest in some basic home gym equipment like dumbbells, resistance bands, or a yoga mat. This makes it easier to fit in quick workouts during nap times or after bedtime.

10. Involve your partner

If you are married and/or have a partner, then involving them is a great fitness tip for you. Working out with your partner can increase motivation and accountability.

It provides an opportunity for shared goals and quality time, while also balancing parenting duties to ensure both partners can stay fit.

Bottom Line

As you can see, being a dad doesn’t necessitate being overweight or unfit. You simply need to find a method that works for you and allows you to devote ample time not only to your children but also to your fitness goals. So consider these suggestions and put them to the test as soon as possible!

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10 Healthiest Foods for Athletes Fri, 14 Jun 2024 00:05:52 +0000 Eating a balanced and nutritious diet is essential for all individuals, but it is especially important for athletes. Food is crucial to athletes. It can either improve their performance or affect it. Proper nutrition can help athletes perform at their best and recover from training and competition. In this article, we will explore some of […]

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Eating a balanced and nutritious diet is essential for all individuals, but it is especially important for athletes. Food is crucial to athletes.

It can either improve their performance or affect it. Proper nutrition can help athletes perform at their best and recover from training and competition.

In this article, we will explore some of the healthiest foods for athletes to include in their diets.

10 Healthiest Foods for Athletes 

Below are ten of the best foods athletes can eat to better their health and fitness.

1. Bananas

Bananas are high in potassium which helps in strengthening your muscles. An average-sized banana contains 422mg of potassium.

This helps your body to regulate fluids and reduces the chances of muscle spasms or cramps. As an athlete, you need enough potassium-rich food to strengthen your muscles.

2. Wild Salmon

Salmon is a rich source of omega-3 content that is anti-inflammatory and reduces the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease.

According to experts, eating wild salmon twice a week is the best way to maximize its anti-inflammatory benefits. Anti-inflammatory contents are essential in preventing illnesses like arthritis that can impede the performance of athletes.

3. Eggs

Eggs are one of the world’s superfoods rich in protein, healthy fats, Vitamin B, calcium, and essential vitamins, such as B1, B2, B6, and B12. These nutrients provide you with natural energy to boost your performance.

Also, eggs are rich in choline which reduces the rate of fatigue and offers you lots of strength for endurance.

Also, eggs are rich in zinc, which helps to build muscle mass, and magnesium, which promotes speedy recovery.

4. Green Vegetables

Green vegetables, such as spinach, broccoli, swiss chard, kale, brussels sprouts, and asparagus, are some of the healthiest foods for athletes because they are rich in plant proteins, vitamins, and fiber.

Their rich nutrient content helps to improve your energy level, blood flow, heart rate, and mood, which makes them one of the healthiest foods that athletes can eat.

5. Almonds

Almonds are one of the healthiest foods for athletes because they serve as natural fuel for athletiles workouts and activities.

Almonds are excellent sources of magnesium, manganese, and vitamin E and B, which provides the body with fiber, healthy fats, and protein for sustaining energy and supporting your body. 

Some studies have shown that athletes burn more carbohydrates after eating almonds than when they eat other food.

Healthiest Foods for Athletes

6. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potatoes are one of the best sources of healthy carbohydrates for athletes, which are needed to improve their endurance level.

Also, sweet potatoes contain varied vitamins and fiber that improve digestion. The low glycemic index of sweet potatoes makes them beneficial in long, athletic events. This is because the energy is not released at once but gradually over an extended period.

Furthermore, sweet potatoes contain high levels of manganese which works in iron to prevent anemia. Most times, athletes who are prone to inflammation or muscular strains are advised to take manganese supplements.

7. Avocados

Avocados are delicious and one of the healthiest foods for athletes. Their high caloric content makes them highly beneficial for athletes.

Avocados are also rich in Omega-3s, which help improve neuromuscular engagement (the mind-body connection) needed to boost athletic performance.

Also, avocados are a good source of potassium and help with muscle recovery and strengthen your joints and muscles.

8. Quinoa

Quinoa is considered one of the healthiest foods for athletes because it is a complete protein, meaning it contains all of the essential amino acids that the body needs to build and repair muscle tissue.

Moreover, it is high in carbohydrates, which provide energy for workouts and recovery, and it is also a good source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

Quinoa also possesses anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce muscle soreness and aid in recovery.

9. Oatmeal

One of the main reasons why oatmeal is excellent for athletes is that it is a whole grain and a good source of complex carbohydrates, which provide a steady source of energy for the body.

Complex carbohydrates are digested slowly, so they can help to sustain energy levels during long periods of exercise or competition.

Oatmeal also contains a variety of essential vitamins and minerals such as Iron, magnesium, zinc, and B vitamins which are imperative for energy metabolism, enzyme function and muscle function.

10. Chicken

Chicken is one best sources of lean protein, which is important for building and repairing muscle tissue.

In addition, chicken is low in fat and calories, making it a good choice for athletes who are trying to maintain a healthy weight or build muscle mass.

It’s also rich in essential amino acids which the body needs to repair and grow muscle tissue.

To add to that, chicken is an excellent source of B vitamins, which are important for energy metabolism and the nervous system, and minerals such as phosphorus and selenium.

Foods that are Unhealthy for Athletes 

Below are some of the foods that are unhealthy for athletes. These foods contain little or no nutritional value increasing the risk of injury and reducing the recovery time. Below are some of the foods you should avoid as an athlete.

  • Trans fats foods such as margarine and some oils
  • Alcohol
  • High sugar and fructose corn syrup, such as cereals, ice cream, etc.
  • Processed foods/fast foods
  • High-sodium foods such as canned foods or snacks.
  • Foods that cause intolerances (this is specific to each person. The most common types of food that causes intolerances are milk, soya, beans, etc)


Food is essential to any athletic performance. Eat the right foods if you want to be fit and have a higher chance of success. Consuming a balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrient-dense foods can help fuel the body, support muscle growth and repair, and prevent injury.

Hence, these healthiest foods for athletes are important to you. The wrong foods can weaken your body, which affects your performance and chances of succeeding.

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9 Helpful Fitness Tips For An Unmotivated Person Wed, 22 May 2024 00:05:05 +0000 Everyone with a fitness routine has experienced days, sometimes weeks, of nonchalance and lack of motivation. You’re not alone if you feel unmotivated to follow up on your routine. There are days when pulling even a single muscle doesn’t seem feasible and as appealing as usual. It is normal to feel unmotivated. It can be […]

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Everyone with a fitness routine has experienced days, sometimes weeks, of nonchalance and lack of motivation.

You’re not alone if you feel unmotivated to follow up on your routine. There are days when pulling even a single muscle doesn’t seem feasible and as appealing as usual.

It is normal to feel unmotivated. It can be a sign that your body requires rest and replenishment or a change in routine.

However, this should not be used as an excuse to stop exercising entirely. Whether you’re feeling tired, overwhelmed, or just plain lazy, there are things you can do to get yourself back on track. 

Today, you will find out some effective fitness tips you can rely on whenever you feel unmotivated. This article will discuss some fitness tips for an unmotivated person.

8 Fitness Tips For An Unmotivated Person

Here are the 8 most effective fitness tips for an unmotivated person.

1. Start small and simple

For most people, the intensity of their routine can suddenly seem to be quite demotivating.

In times like this, to get yourself started, you can start with something small and light, like walking, windmills, butt bridges, etc.

Ensure you start with a simple exercise that you enjoy. Keep your intensity low and your pace unhurried. The important thing is to get started and build momentum from there.

2. Try something new

When you repeat the same routine over and over again, your body eventually grows weary of that routine. If you’ve been repeating the same routine, consider spicing things up with new maneuvers or a shift in your surroundings. 

Try a new workout program. There are so many different types of workouts out there.

Ensure to select routines that are consistent with your fitness goals and, at the same time, excite you. Try a new class at the gym, especially if you work out at home.

This type of stimulation has the effect of making your workouts fly by and seem exciting.

3. Bring it outside

Go for a stroll, run, hike, or bike ride outside. Play some tennis, basketball, volleyball, squash, or soccer.

Being outside in nature releases endorphins and promotes relaxation for many people. Taking it outside may provide you with the mental boost you require.

4. Create a motivating workout playlist

Make a thorough list of songs that are uplifting, encouraging, positive, and packed with lots of vibes.

If you normally work out listening to music such as EDM or hip hops, you could consider trying afrobeat, as they’re filled with lots of dance rhythms.

Remember, If you feel positive and rekindled, you’re more likely to move to the music and burn those calories.

5. Reward yourself 

It’s important to celebrate your successes, no matter how small they may be.

Whether it’s treating yourself to a massage, a new workout outfit, or a night out with friends, find a way to reward yourself for your hard work.

6. Find a motivation buddy

It’s no doubt that everything becomes better with a friend by your side, your workout inclusive.

 Get so caught up in conversation that you lose sight of the fact that you’re working. Furthermore, a fitness buddy can motivate and keep you focused on your objectives!

Whether it’s a friend, family member, or coworker, find someone who has similar goals and schedule regular workouts together.

7. Keep it fun!

Find sports or activities you like, then mix up your schedule to keep things interesting. If you’re bored with your workouts, try something new.

Take part in your street football or basketball-friendly matches. Attend a dancing class and learn all the latest hot dances you admire.

Visit a gym or a school for martial arts. If you enjoy exercising at home, search online for videos of workout programs, including kickboxing, yoga, and high-intensity interval training.

Alternatively, stroll, trek, or jog in a nearby park. Find your hidden passions or athletic talent.

Remember that exercise doesn’t have to be monotonous. You’re more likely to stick with a fitness program if you’re having fun.

8. Use technology

Making use of technology like fitness trackers, apps, or other wearable fitness devices can be highly beneficial for those lacking motivation.

These tools allow you to set specific, personalized fitness goals and monitor your daily progress towards achieving them.

They can track a variety of data such as the number of steps taken, heart rate, calories burned, and even sleep patterns.

This data can be encouraging as it provides visual evidence of your achievements, which can be a powerful motivator.

The ability to look back and see how far you’ve come can instill a sense of accomplishment and help sustain motivation over time.

9. Don’t beat yourself up

We all have days when we just don’t feel like exercising, and that’s okay. Don’t beat yourself up if you miss a workout or if you don’t hit your goal. Just remember to get back on track as soon as you can.


Remember, it’s not about being motivated. It’s about learning how to get yourself started in the first place! You should never feel bad for not being motivated to do something, and you shouldn’t let other people make you feel bad, either.

If a buddy motivates you, then that’s great! But don’t let them push you too hard, and don’t forget that everyone has their body type, so no two people are alike.

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Staying Safe and Hydrated: Essential Tips for Outdoor Summer Workouts Wed, 08 May 2024 20:06:54 +0000 By Tammy Pitts  As summer approaches, many people look forward to moving their workouts outdoors in the fresh air and sunshine. However, working out in the heat is not only uncomfortable, but it can be downright dangerous if you don’t take the proper precautions. Here are 11 simple things you can do to make that […]

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The post Staying Safe and Hydrated: Essential Tips for Outdoor Summer Workouts appeared first on You Must Get Healthy.

By Tammy Pitts 

As summer approaches, many people look forward to moving their workouts outdoors in the fresh air and sunshine. However, working out in the heat is not only uncomfortable, but it can be downright dangerous if you don’t take the proper precautions.

Here are 11 simple things you can do to make that steamy outdoor walk or run a little more comfortable while keeping yourself safe.

Staying Safe and Hydrated: Essential Tips for Outdoor Summer Workouts

1. Start Early (or Late in Evening)

You’ll want to avoid exercising during the hottest parts of the day. Work out in the early morning before the heat of the day sets in, or later in the evening as the sun is setting.

2. Keep it Light (Clothing)

Wear loose, light-colored clothing that promotes airflow and reflects heat. Don’t forget a hat if you’re going to be running a long distance – you can get sunburn on the top of your head.

3. Drink Up (Before You Work Out)

Before you begin your run around the neighborhood, bike ride, or stroll through the woods, drink at least 8 ounces of water 30 minutes before heading out. This will ensure your body is hydrated ahead of time.

4. Stay Hydrated

While you’re outdoors, aim to drink at least 8 ounces of cold water for every 15 minutes of exercise. Consider walking with a water bottle that will keep your water ice cold.

5. Monitor Your Body

Pay attention to your body. Symptoms like muscle cramps, headache, nausea, and dizziness are signs your body is too hot and you need to take a break. If, after a few minutes, you still don’t feel well, get in the air conditioning, drink an electrolyte drink, and take a cold shower

Recognize dehydration symptoms:

  • Dry mouth
  • Chills or fever
  • Dry or tightened skin
  • Feeling lightheaded

If you begin feeling any of those symptoms, hydrate immediately. If the symptoms persist or you feel severely ill, call 911.

6. Pace Yourself

Maintain a steady pace – overexertion can be dangerous. Start slowly and increase intensity gradually to let your body adapt to the heat. 

7. Keep Your Cool

LawnStarter lawn care pro Justin Stultz beats the heat by keeping his neck cool. You might want to follow his lead. He wraps his neck with a frozen or cold bandana to better weather the Texas summer heat. 

8. Don’t Get Bit (by Mosquitoes)

arm yourself with protection from annoying mosquito bites. If exercising in your yard, a mosquito misting system is a great way to keep your space bug-free.

9. Don’t Get Hit

Jogging or running can be more challenging in summer when young drivers are out of school and on the road. Keep your eyes on the path ahead of you and everything around you. 

If you get started very early or very late (before sunrise or after sunset), wear a headlamp to light your way (and so drivers see you). 

10. Stay Safe

Carrying pepper spray is a smart idea for women and men, especially if you’re exercising in a sketchy neighborhood. Pepper spray can be a deterrent for people and vicious dogs.

11. Cool Down

After working out, stretch and apply ice or a cold washcloth to your wrists and neck to bring your body temperature down. Techniques such as cooling breaths or jumping in a cold pool can be key to lowering your body’s temperature. 

Enjoy a post-workout snack that includes hydrating foods like watermelon, strawberries, and oranges or a cold yogurt with fruit, Popsicles, and even a salad with cold grilled chicken.

Bonus Tips for Smart Workouts

A great workout requires some prep work on your part. you have to eat right, as momma always said. You also have to know whether you’re up to a run or exercise outdoors and mind the weather. You want to be Walking on Sunshine, as the song goes, and not running in a sudden hailstorm.

  • Stay Inside (if it’s too Humid Outdoors)

    Extremely humid conditions can hinder your body’s ability to cool off. So, if it’s extremely humid out, you should consider working out inside.
  • Be Well

    Stay home if you’re feeling sick. When sick, the body is already dehydrated and needs restorative rest. If you’re feeling under the weather, it’s best to remain indoors out of the heat.
  • Eat Light

    Avoid working out after eating heavy meals as digestion can divert energy from cooling your body.
  • Check the Weather

Summer storms can spring up suddenly. You don’t want to get caught in a downpour or thunderstorm. Check the forecast before you head out the door.


By taking these precautions, you can safely enjoy your outdoor workouts this summer and reduce your risk of heat-related health risks.


Tammy has an extensive background in journalism, media relations, social media strategy, marketing, and brand management. She resides in Michigan with her family which includes her two sons and their Goldendoodle, Max. In her free time, she loves to read and travel.

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7 Major Fitness Tips For Skinny Guys Wed, 17 Apr 2024 00:05:50 +0000 Fitness is important for skinny men for a variety of reasons. First and foremost, being physically fit can help reduce the risk of developing health problems later on in life. Furthermore, fitness can help skinny men feel better about themselves, improve their energy levels, and increase their overall strength and endurance. However, fitness can be […]

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The post 7 Major Fitness Tips For Skinny Guys appeared first on You Must Get Healthy.

Fitness is important for skinny men for a variety of reasons. First and foremost, being physically fit can help reduce the risk of developing health problems later on in life.

Furthermore, fitness can help skinny men feel better about themselves, improve their energy levels, and increase their overall strength and endurance.

However, fitness can be a challenge for skinny guys. They may not have much muscle mass to work with, which can make it difficult to build muscle and achieve the desired results.

Additionally, skinny men may have trouble staying motivated to stay fit due to a lack of visible progress.

Fortunately, there are a number of things that skinny men can do to improve their fitness. This article will discuss some beneficial fitness tips for skinny guys.

7 Fitness Tips For Skinny Guys

Fitness Tips For Skinny Guys

Below are seven profound fitness tips for skinny guys that can help them in their fitness journey.

1. Start by lifting weights – this will help you put on muscle mass

Lifting weights is a great way to start gaining muscle mass. It helps to build up your strength and size, which will in turn make it easier to put on more muscle.

Also, lifting weights can help increase your metabolism, which will also aid in muscle growth.

If you’re a skinny guy who’s looking to bulk up, then lifting weights is a great place to start.

Strength training is vital even if you’re skinny, because your body fat levels are naturally low, so when you do gain muscle, you’ll can easily achieve a ripped look.

2. Eat a balanced diet with plenty of protein and carbs

People who are skinny often think that they don’t need to worry about their diet as much as people who are overweight.

However, eating a balanced diet is just as important for skinny people as it is for anyone else.

Protein and carbohydrates are two of the most important nutrients that your body needs, and both are essential for maintaining a healthy weight.

Carbs are an important source of energy and help to regulate blood sugar levels. The body uses carbs to produce maximum energy, speed, stamina, concentration, recovery and better fluid balance.

Therefore, they are crucial for active individuals because they are the primary fuel for your body.

Furthermore, protein is an important nutrient for everyone, but it’s especially important for skinny people.

Protein helps to build and maintain muscle mass, and it’s also necessary for the proper functioning of the immune system.

Skinny people who don’t get enough protein in their diet are at risk of developing health problems such as muscle weakness and bone loss.

3. Drink plenty of water and avoid processed foods

Water is essential for good health, and it’s especially important for skinny people who want to be fit.

Drinking enough water will enable you to maintain your concentration, energy levels, performance, increase your endurance, and prevent excessive elevations in heart rate and body temperature while you workout. Hence, it is important to stay hydrated.

Processed foods are often high in calories and low in nutrients. They can also be difficult to digest, which can lead to health problems such as gastrointestinal distress.

Skinny people who want to stay healthy should avoid processed foods as much as possible and focus on eating whole, unprocessed foods.

4. Get plenty of sleep – your body needs time to recover and rebuild muscle tissue

Fitness experts always talk about the importance of getting enough sleep, and there’s a good reason why.

When you’re asleep, your body is able to repair itself and build up muscle tissue.

So if you’re not getting enough sleep, you’re not giving your body the chance it needs to grow stronger.

Make sure you’re getting at least eight hours of sleep every night, and you’ll see a difference in your energy levels and overall health.

5. Don’t overdo it – start slowly and increase your workouts gradually

If you’re just starting out on your fitness journey, it’s important to take things slowly.

Your body isn’t used to working out, and you don’t want to overdo it and end up injured.

Start with a few basic exercises and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts.

And make sure you listen to your body – if you’re feeling pain, back off and take a break.

6. Focus on compound exercises

Compound exercises are ones that work out multiple muscle groups at the same time.

They’re great for skinny guys because they help you build muscle quickly and efficiently.

Some examples of compound exercises are squats, deadlifts, and bench presses.

These exercises are all great for building overall strength, so make sure you include them in your workout routine.

Some common compound exercises are squats, barbell hip raises, deadlifts, incline bench press, clean and press, parallel dips, pull ups.

7. Supplement your diet with whey protein powder for extra protein

If you’re a skinny guy who is looking to bulk up, one of the best things you can do is supplement your diet with whey protein powder.

Whey protein is packed with muscle-building amino acids, and it’s a quick and easy way to get more protein into your diet.

Just mix a scoop of whey protein powder into a shake or smoothie, and you’re good to go.

There are a lot of different whey protein powders on the market, so it’s important to choose one that is high quality and suits your needs.


If you’re a skinny guy, don’t despair – there are plenty of things you can do to bulk up and build muscle. Just make sure you follow the above fitness tips for skinny guys.

Eat a balanced diet, get plenty of protein, and focus on compound exercises. And don’t forget to supplement your diet with whey protein powder for an extra protein boost.

With a little hard work and dedication, you’ll be on your way to a new, muscular physique in no time.

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9 Basic Fitness Tips For Night Shift Workers Wed, 03 Apr 2024 05:05:30 +0000 Who wants to be that puffy night shift worker who can’t make it down the stairwell during an emergency? Working the night shift can be a challenging lifestyle that disrupts the body’s natural rhythms, often leading to sleep disturbances, fatigue, and a host of other health issues. For those who clock in as the rest […]

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The post 9 Basic Fitness Tips For Night Shift Workers appeared first on You Must Get Healthy.

Who wants to be that puffy night shift worker who can’t make it down the stairwell during an emergency?

Working the night shift can be a challenging lifestyle that disrupts the body’s natural rhythms, often leading to sleep disturbances, fatigue, and a host of other health issues.

For those who clock in as the rest of the world clocks out, maintaining a regular fitness routine might feel like an uphill battle. The odd hours can throw off your exercise schedule, your body’s metabolism, and even your diet.

There’s a risk of acquiring health problems including stress, heart disease, diabetes, and weight gain if you don’t take care of yourself properly.

Do you consider yourself to be a health-conscious individual? Then, to ensure your body’s ability to thrive, it’s critical to prioritize your mental and physical wellness.

9 Fitness Tips For Night Shift Workers 

Fitness Tips For Night Shift Workers

Here are some recommendations about how to stay healthy while working long hours:

1. Create a sleep schedule for yourself

To prepare your body for the arduous hours of a night shift, you must establish a consistent sleep schedule.

If you’re a nurse practitioner or firefighter who enjoys naps, try sleeping from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. and napping from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. to get ready for your shift.

On the other hand, if naps aren’t your thing, try sleeping from 6 a.m. to 12 p.m. before going to work. Getting quality sleep is also one the vital skincare tips for night shift workers.

2. Caffeine should be consumed in moderation

Coffee and tea are lifesavers for folks seeking to keep up their energy levels all through the night.

However, to avoid not sleeping when you arrive home, it’s best to quit drinking caffeine around 2 or 3 in the morning.

3. Consume nutritious foods

By disrupting blood sugar levels and increasing stomach pain, diets heavy in sugar and trans fats might make the night shift challenging.

Salads, fruits, vegetables, and trail mix are all good snacks and dinners to have on hand when you are hungry. 

Prepare your meals before the beginning of the week. This can help you save time getting ready while ensuring a healthy diet. 

4. Stay hydrated

Ensure you’re getting enough water during your shift to be alert and energized.

Because we rely extensively on water to keep our systems going, this also helps to guarantee that your biological functions are functioning effectively.

There are many other ways to to stay more hydrated.

5. Engage in regular exercise

Implementing an exercise regimen into your workweek round will help you feel more motivated and prepared when working night shifts.

It can be challenging to find encouragement to go to the gym if you’re a truck driver who travels hundreds of miles per night.

Find simple activities that will let you get some fresh air while also getting some exercise, such as riding or hiking.

6. Practice Strength Training

Strength training or resistance training should a fundamental part of your exercise routine as a night shift worker.

This is one of the best fitness tips for night shift workers. Taking a few minutes each time to do some strength training exercises can tremendously boost your health.

It burns calories, reduces your blood sugar levels, boosts your mood, and makes you stronger

7. Stay away from alcoholic beverages

If you use alcohol to fall asleep faster, it will affect the quality of your sleep following your shift.

Despite its reputation as a sleep aid, alcohol affects your REM sleep, negatively impacting how revitalized you feel when you wake up.

8. Make the most of your free time

It’s natural to want to do something entertaining and exciting with your leisure time on your off days.

However, keep in mind that you should aim to maintain a pretty steady routine to avoid having to change your work schedule.

9. Take a Power Nap

Make the most of your downtime by taking one or two well-scheduled naps.

This will help you stay awake and concentrate all night long. Find a dark, quiet location to rest for 20 to 30 minutes if possible.

Bottom Line

Night shift workers often have limited time to exercise and take care of the fitness levels. However, adhering to these fitness tips for night shift workers discussed above can help them stay fit.

The post 9 Basic Fitness Tips For Night Shift Workers first appeared on You Must Get Healthy.

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