Healthy Living & Wellness Mental & Emotional Health

How To Improve Your Social Health

How to improve your social health
Written by Collins Nwokolo

How To Improve Your Social Health

One aspect of our health and well-being is our social health. Do you know that you can be socially healthy? Have you ever wondered how to be socially healthy? Do you know that many people today don’t know that having good social health is an important key to having great health and well-being? Don’t worry, today you’ll learn what social health is all about, it’s importance and above all you will find out how to improve your social health.


What is social health?

Social health simply means the ability to create good relationships, relate well with others and adapt to any social situation. A person with great social health comfortably associates with people and communicates freely. Social health is as important as having good physical or mental health because being socially healthy means you will have a stable life. Good social health will help you avoid depression, anxiety and sometimes even stress. It could also help in improving your general health and well-being.


What shows that you are not socially healthy?

A lot of people today have very poor social health; they find it extremely difficult to associate or relate with other people. This could be because of varying circumstances such as environmental factors, parental upbringing or temperament. But regardless of any circumstances, you need to maintain good social health; it’s essential.

Also, the rise in technological innovations has made many people reclusive and contributed to many people having poor social health. Do you want to find out if you need to improve your social? What shows that you don’t have good social health? Let’s find out with these simple test! This simple test will help you find if you are socially healthy. Answer the following questions:

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• Do you always feel depressed, lonely and bored? Yes/No/Maybe

• Do you find it extremely difficult to speak out to your opinions confidently? Yes/No/Maybe

• Do you find it easy to adjust to a new environment and befriend new people?  Yes/No/Maybe

• Do you find it hard in adapting to different social situations? Yes/No/Maybe

• Would you describe yourself as having an active life? Yes/No/Maybe

• Do you find it difficult to answer ‘what have you been to recently’ by your peers? Yes/No/maybe

If you answered ‘Yes’ to at least three questions and ‘Maybe’ to at least four questions, then I guess there is something wrong. Learning how to improve your social health is not easy, but it is very possible. Next, we will discuss some practical ways to be socially healthy.


How To Improve Your Social Health

How to improve your social health

I’ve mentioned the benefits of good social health and the consequences of having a poor one. Now let’s find out what you can do to improve your social health. These are very important for everyone, learn and find out where you need to improve on.

1. Establish good self-esteem

The first step you have to take to improve your social health is by establishing proper self-esteem for yourself. Always remind yourself why you are special and the good things you have done and achieved. Remember, no matter what, you are a special person regardless of what you think of yourself. Being mentally secure with yourself will help your individual maintain healthy relationships. Improving your self-esteem doesn’t mean that you should look down on others. Instead, you should focus on your achievements and don’t try to compare yourself to others. A healthy way to boost your self-esteem is to exercise.

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2. Communicate

There’s no better way you can improve your social health without communicating.  Communicating is one of the best ways to improve your social health. Make a good effort in improving your communication skills, then associating with people won’t be a problem. Communication should not be via the internet or social media platforms. Believe me, there’s nothing better than to communicate physically. So, if your circumstances permit, talk to people face-to-face.

Communicate with people in your workplaces, and listen more, talk less. Avoid gossip too.



3. Find people that have the same interest as you

How to improve your social health

How to improve your social health

The best and easiest way to improve your social health is by first, starting to find and relate with people who have similar interests with you. The will help you feel a lot more comfortable to interact freely. If you find yourself in a new environment, try to reach out to people that share the same beliefs or interests as you.

Don’t be loner, try to express yourself and be free. Our social relationships can affect our health, so we need to take it seriously.


4. Try new things and meet new people

After you’ve mixed with people that have similar interests with you. Learn about new things and find new interests, try new skills. Once in a while travel and meet new people. Traveling is a hobby with so many health benefits.


5. Live a healthy lifestyle

A healthy life is what everyone needs; living a healthy life will give you the confidence to interact with people.

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Exercise regularly, eat a balanced diet and always visit your doctor. If you are healthy and fit,  you won’t fall sick easily. Thus, you will have the time to interact with others.


6. Do what makes you happy

If you have a hobby or some activity you enjoy a lot, create time to do it. Don’t just do it alone but along with other people and loved ones.


You need to improve your social health, because several research review articles have shown credible and compelling evidence, that links a low quantity or quality of social relationships with a host of poor medical conditions. Conditions such as development and progression of cardiovascular disease, recurrent myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, autonomic dysregulation, high blood pressure, cancer and delayed cancer recovery, and slower wound healing

Hence, make your social health a priority, just as you would to your physical health.


Thanks for reading.

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About the author

Collins Nwokolo

Collins Nwokolo is a passionate blogger and an amazing writer. He is a health and fitness enthusiast who loves sharing helpful information to people.


  • We home school our middle child because he has ADHD and Social Anxiety disorder. It's hard for him to comfortable fit in with large groups and he often avoided them all together. The best thing we have found is his youth group at church. Same people every week in a environment he is comfortable with. People understand if he needs to take a minute. Now he's finally making friends.

  • I think it's awesome that you're sharing this. It's good to work on your social health especially since interaction is something that we can't avoid. Love the tips!

  • It was really interesting to read on the physical affects of such thing. I myself an introvert so I wouldn't say I'm socially healthy but I'm working on it.Great tips you shared though! I'd add only one thing…because I think/feel social media makes everything even worse, I'd say "Less connection online, and more in real life".

  • These are some interesting tips to promote improved social health. I found that working in a multicultural environment where I interacted on a daily basis with individuals from different nationalities and backgrounds made me much more comfortable dealing with strangers and crowds.

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